DEV Community

Discussion on: What do you think would be nice in a developer centric Linux distro?

pandademic profile image

My main problems with arch are as follows:
1) the difficulty of the installation, Which could be fixed with a gui installer
2) Forgive me if I am wrong The compile it yourself aspect of AUR

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giovannicodes profile image
Giovanni Cortés

If you a developer, the instalation should be relative easy following some videos, or there are Calamares installers for Arch Linux, or you could use ArcoLinux, that is like an Arch with installer.

AUR use just scripts to install no official packages in your Arch System, sometimes you need to compile something because it gets from source, but you only need to type makepkg -si or you can use some AUR helper

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pandademic profile image
Pandademic • Edited

Thanks , Archcraft is good too. Could you tell me a Calamares installer to arch? Thanks for the info on AUR too. I will update the list with AUR.