DEV Community

Bernardo Torres
Bernardo Torres

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What to expect from your first 10 days of #100daysofcode

The first 10 days of your journey will probably be the most decisive to achieve your goal

Starting with the right foot

Before starting you should make a planning where you set your main goal and break it down into smaller goals. Every small goal will be a solid step to achieve your main goal.

This planning should also contain which technologies you will be learning and which resources you will be learning from. You should also write down on your planning how many hours you will be coding per day.

First couple of days

The first 2 or 3 days you will be feeling really motivated to keep on coding, just remember, you don't need motivation, you need to build good habits in order to achieve your goals.

This first days will be enough to get a look on how the whole journey will be, and if you have a clear goal, it will be easier to achieve.


The first thing you will be noticing is the positive feedback. The dev community is really supportive, specially on twitter, and you will be noticing it as soon as you post your first day of the challenge.

You will notice that there's actually lots of bots that instantly like and retweet your tweets. Just remember to use the #100daysofcode hashtag.

Struggle with coding every single day

You'll probably realize that it's impossible to code every single day, so don't be to hard on you and allow you to take rest days from the challenge.

I recommend you to keep counting from the last day you posted instead of counting every single day, including the days you don't code, so this way it will be truly 100 days of code.

Building a habit

You may think that the purpose of this challenge is to build a project, enhance your skills or simply learn to code, but in fact, the real purpose of this challenge is to successfully build the habit of coding and learning every day (or most of them).

As I said earlier, habits are way more powerful than motivation, so you should focus on building good habits and dropping the bad ones.

The power of habit is a great book that teaches you how we build habits and how these work. I totally recommend you reading this amazing book while you do the challenge. Here's also a small summary of the book.


  • Enjoy the positive feedback
  • Focus on building good habits
  • Plan before starting
  • Allow you to take rest days
  • Make your journey public
  • Enjoy the journey (plot twits: it never ends)

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