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Arun Pal
Arun Pal

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3 MS teams tips to boost your productivity

The popularity of MS teams has been increased tremendously because of lockdown. Today most of the organization uses MS teams for team-level communication and chat.

Here I'm sharing a few of simple yet mostly unknown apps/tricks that can increase your work productive

1. Remind

Set a reminder for yourself, a group chat, or a channel by simply sending a message to the Remind bot.

Very handy to use, just type "@remind "Deploy code" on Monday at 8pm" in a group chat or a channel and it will remind you there. I use remind app almost daily.


Some examples are :

  • "Project Meeting" every monday at 4pm
  • "turn in all reports" on the last weekday of every month
  • "update server" every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday at 10am

You can also remind yourself about any Teams message.

How to use:

Just click on Apps(see left bottom corner of your msteams app/browser), search for remind. Click Add and it's done. on typing help to remind bot you will get a better idea of how to use it.

2. quicklink

You can easily add links such as some company's ip, custom webservices or research paper's link etc. in the group chat or channel itself.
Again very easy to use. You can add this too in the same way as remind app.


3. Incoming Webhook

Using webhook you can send custom messages on teams channel through MS teams API.

For example

  • Notify on teams once service completed it's job.
  • Notify if some x service gets down.
  • Notify on teams channel if someone tweeted about some XYZ stuff etc.

Note: It sends messages to the channel only.

How to use it :

Go to apps, search for incoming webhook. Now here it will ask on which channel you want to add webhook. Once added it will generate a URL.
On that URL, you can send messages using HTTP requests(for ex using curl etc).

For more information :

Tell me in comments which ms teams app/tricks you use more to increase your productivity.

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