I had to create some graphics to explain a problem in a blog post - I needed royalty free pictures of different balls in a row. I couldn't find it so wrote a Python turtle graphics program to do the job.
The Turtle graphics version:
from turtle import width, Vec2D, pencolor, penup, pendown, goto, fillcolor, \
circle, begin_fill, end_fill, write, hideturtle, title, done
title('4 CIRCLES')
COLORS = ['yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'red']
c10 = 'red orange yellow green blue indigo violet cyan aquamarine purple'.split()
num2colour = {n: c for n, c in enumerate(c10)}
def turtle_balls(colour_numbers, position, radius,
underline=True, show_num=True, pen_width=0):
offset = Vec2D(2 * radius, 0)
offset_n = Vec2D(0, radius / 2)
if underline:
u_start = position - offset
u_end = position + offset * (len(colour_numbers) + 0)
for cnum in colour_numbers:
color = num2colour[cnum % 10]
if pen_width == 0:
if show_num:
# goto(position + offset_n)
# pencolor('white')
# write(str(cnum), align='center', font=("Arial", 18, "bold"))
goto(position + offset_n)
write(str(cnum), align='center', font=("Arial", 16, "normal"))
position += offset
turtle_balls(range(10), Vec2D(-100, 0), 25)
Things change
I decided that it would be best to use Jupyter so hunted around for a Jupyter compatible turtle graphics module. There was one, but I also came across ipycanvas which initially intrigued me as it stated it was a thin shell over HTML canvas.
The ipycanvas documentation does show it can do a wealth of things, but knowing what I wanted to do from the turtle program helped me focus on what I needed to do.
I liked how in ipycanvas the canvas.fill_*
routines accepted their own coordinates rather than having to first move somewhere - the ethos of turtle graphics (along with penup/down).
I developed the ipycanvas routine in Jupyter as a function. Exported it as a python program then tidied it up and now just import it as a module.
The ipycanvas version
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
Created on Tue Jan 19 11:10:25 2021
@author: Paddy3118
# In[1]:
from ipycanvas import Canvas
c10 = 'red orange yellow green blue lime violet tan aqua purple'.split() # CSS colours
_num2colour = {n: c for n, c in enumerate(c10)}
def ball_graphic(colour_numbers=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], title='', radius=25, position=(40, 60),
underline=True, show_num=False, show_colour_name=False, show_list=False):
Global _num2colour maps integers 0 to 9 to valid CSS colour names.
Function creates a picture of several balls on a line.
colour_numbers is list/tuple/range of integers representing an ordered collection
of balls by their number which must be a key in _num2colour.
underline default True, shows the line the balls rest on.
show_num default False, shows ball colour number inside each ball.
show_colour_name default False, shows the balss colour name above each ball.
show_list default False, adds a list format of the colour_numbers.
global _num2colour
ht = 100 if not show_list else 150
canvas = Canvas(width=750, height=ht)
x0, y0 = position
if title:
canvas.font = 'bold 16px serif'
canvas.text_baseline = 'middle'
canvas.text_align = 'left'
canvas.fill_text(title, x0 - radius, y0 - radius - 27)
if underline:
canvas.fill_rect(x0 - radius, y0 + radius, x0 + radius * 2 * len(colour_numbers), 4)
for i, cnum in enumerate(colour_numbers):
xx = x0 + i * radius *2
colour = _num2colour[cnum % 10]
if colour == 'blue':
canvas.fill_style = 'dodgerblue'
canvas.fill_style = colour
canvas.fill_circle(xx, y0, radius)
if show_num:
canvas.fill_style = 'black'
canvas.font = 'bold 16px serif'
canvas.text_baseline = 'middle'
canvas.text_align = 'center'
canvas.fill_text(str(cnum), xx, y0)
if show_colour_name:
canvas.fill_style = 'black'
canvas.font = '12px serif'
canvas.text_baseline = 'middle'
canvas.text_align = 'center'
canvas.fill_text(colour.capitalize(), xx, y0 - radius - 6)
if show_list:
canvas.font = '14px serif'
canvas.text_baseline = 'middle'
canvas.text_align = 'left'
canvas.fill_text(f"colour_numbers = {list(colour_numbers)}", x0 - radius, y0 + radius * 2.5)
return canvas
if __name__ == "__main__":
title = "All the ball numbers, colours, and options"
c = ball_graphic(range(10), title=title,
show_num=True, show_colour_name=True, underline=True, show_list=True)
# In[2]:
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = ball_graphic([2,2,1,1,1,2,1], title="Some arrangement of balls",
show_num=True, show_colour_name=False, underline=True, show_list=True)
ipycanvas isn't too difficult to get into and if all you want is to recreate something you could do in turtle graphics then the learning curve isn't that different (but I guess I didn't try and learn it all before starting).
It seems that ipycanvas is cementing my thoughts that constraining needs for rich-text and graphical output to what can be accomplished in a browser is the way to go!
- Paddy.
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