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The Secret Sauce from Highly Successful Makers: How to Achieve 10x Productivity

Productivity is a hot ๐Ÿ”ฅ keyword in the Maker scene. Have you ever wondered what makes some highly successful Makers so amazingly productive?

The difference between super-productive people and everyone else is simple: they know how to get more done in less time.

Here are our top four based on our interactions with some highly successful and productive Makers. One thing they all have in common is an intense focus on productivity.


๐ŸŽฏ Designate time to be unplugged

Yes, you heard this right: Schedule time off! This sounds counterintuitive, but itโ€™s found to be more effective than anything else. This is known as "blanking time": it allows you to supercharge yourself and start again invigorated, in a better mindset.

๐ŸŽฏ Block out distractions during your creative hours

Spending time in the Flow state has been shown to mega-boost productivity. You have to ignore the noise and focus 100% on what you want to do โ€” Deep work requires you to focus for long periods on a single task, project, or idea.

๐ŸŽฏ Keep events and meetings short. Walk away from meetings that arenโ€™t well-organized

Meetings are time-consuming. Focus only on shorter meetings that make you feel productive, skip the rest. Always ask yourself: does this have to be a meeting? Avoid the trap of staying in the meeting just to stay involved. Or you can decide to get up and walk out.

๐ŸŽฏ Prioritize tasks and to-do lists

Many Makers have a hard time prioritizing their tasks. To stay productive, prioritize your tasks by importance. This sort of microfocus will save you from getting sidetracked by unimportant tasks. Focus on what's most important right now โ€” the priority task at hand. The most effective way to increase your output is to focus on doing one thing at a time.

Do you have more ideas๐Ÿ’ก? Share in the commentsโœ !

Top comments (1)

rostane profile image
Rostane Gribi

Simple things are the most efficient but we often forget them... How Ironic !
Thanks for the insights and I'd love to share an article about the subject, hope you like it: