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Pavel Kříž
Pavel Kříž

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Mithril JS + Quasar CSS + mithril stream + UI (pages) -> real app

This is my 9th write up on site. Example of a real app using Mithril JS, Quasar CSS, mithril stream and UI based on more pages with dynamic switching. Full source code is included as a link.

My first attempt and example of both Mithril JS and Quasar CSS is described here:, I bring an example of a real app today.

App layout (mobile app)

My example of the app is based on Quasar layout; it consists of three parts. The top one is a header with color background and title, the central one is page content (dynamically switched by user interaction) and the bottom one is a footer with 'buttons' (not real HTML buttons) for switching content.

App's header

The header is a simple component with Quasar's classes and a title.

var header = {
  view: function(vnode){
    return m("header", {class: "q-header q-layout__section--marginal fixed-top", style: {"background-color":"#FF9900", color:"white"}}, 
        m("div", {class: "q-toolbar row no-wrap items-center", role: "toolbar"}, 
          m("div", {class: "q-toolbar__title ellipsis"}, 
            m("div", {class: "text-big absolute-center text-bold"}, 
        m("div", {class: "q-layout__shadow absolute-full overflow-hidden no-pointer-events"})
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App's footer

The footer is the simple component too with Quasar's classes and a row with columns (count depends of number of pages). Each page has a title and this is shown on the footer component. Each of them has an onclick event and assigns name of page to a mithril stream variable named showPage.

var showPage = stream("page1");
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var footer = {
  view: function(){
    return m("footer", {class: "q-footer q-layout__section--marginal fixed-bottom q-px-none", style: {"background-color": "#FF9900", color: "black"}}, 
      m("div", {class: "q-toolbar row no-wrap items-center", role: "toolbar"}, 
        m("div", {class: "q-toolbar__title ellipsis"}, 
          m("div", {class: "row q-pa-none"}, 
              return m("div", {class: "col center q-pa-none"}, 
                m("div", {class: showPage() == ? "page-active text-center text-bold " : 'text-center text-bold ', onclick: function(){showPage(}}, 
                  m("span", {}, page.title)
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App's page content

The most important part of the app. It is a container, the requested page (selected by user in footer) shows it's content inside it.

var pageContent = {
  view: function(){
    return m("div", {class: "q-layout q-layout--standard", tabindex: "-1"}, 
      m("div", {class: "q-page-container q-pa-none", style: {"padding-top":"50px", "padding-bottom": "50px"}}, 
        m("div", {class: "q-pa-md"}, 
            if ( == showPage()) return m(page.comp)
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The magic part of switching content is here:{
  if ( == showPage()) return m(page.comp)
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App's pages

Pages are simple components like:

var page4 = {
  view: function(){
    return m("div", [
        m("h4", "This is 'about' page"),
        m("p", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...")
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It is not all of definitions, we need something more. An array of objects describing each page with name, title, and comp (=component) keys.

var pages = [
    name: "page1",
    title: "theory",
    comp: page1,        // component
    name: "page2",
    title: "exerc.",
    comp: page2,        // component
    name: "page3",
    title: "sett.",
    comp: page3,        // component
    name: "page4",
    title: "about",
    comp: page4,        // component
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This array is used by footer component (number of columns and their names) and pageContent component (switching content).

Example of real app

Full source code of CSS and JS (as described above) is on I hope it inspires you :-)

Top comments (1)

artydev profile image

Mithril is one of my favorite library.
Thank you :-)