Ever found a z-index
of 999
in CSS and wondered if there really are 998 other elements below it?
One time I even stumbled upon a z-index of 2147483647
One time I even stumbled upon a z-index of 2147483647. I thought that number looked familiar, "isn't this Int32 max value? π€" Yes, a google search later my suspicion was confirmed: the highest z-index you can use is the maximum value of a 32 bit integer.
But, even if you can use really high numbers for z-index, why should you? The answer is simple: you shouldn't! High numbers are unnecessary and just makes it harder to see what's higher and lower, the difference between 99999 and 148851 can be hard to spot a glance. So, how can we make something better?
My refactoring
The first thing I did in the code base I was working on, was to collect all the indexes in a constants file. We were using styled components, so my example is in javascript, but of course the same thing can be done in Sass.
export const zIndexes = {
AlertBox: 10,
ModalOpacity: 100,
PresentationContainer: 745,
HamburgerMenu: 999,
MenuOpacity: 999,
Arrows: 9999,
MenuWrapper: 12500,
FullScreenButton: 99999,
ProgressBar: 999999
Note that I ordered them by ascending index. By putting all z-indexes in the same file, we have a great overview of them. The place I copied the values from, are now referencing a constant instead of having the actual value. I think this is also good from a readability standpoint - you don't have to care what the value is when looking at the styles for a component/class.
Next step is to take those numbers down to something simpler. If we have a new element that needs a value between the existing ones, we can just re-assign all of them, no biggie.
export const zIndexes = {
AlertBox: 1,
ModalOpacity: 2,
PresentationContainer: 3,
HamburgerMenu: 4,
MenuOpacity: 4,
Arrows: 5,
MenuWrapper: 6,
FullScreenButton: 7,
ProgressBar: 8
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