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Léa Pollet
Léa Pollet

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[EN] Cybersecurity: What are the best platforms?

Are you interested in the world of cybersecurity? Logic, it's

But how to learn it? This is a question whose answer remains very complicated, because the world of cybersecurity is wide.

If you are looking to raise your awareness, ANSSI offers free training (MOOC) with a certificate of achievement: MOOC training

Good ! Back to our main topic! Here I am going to give you learning platforms subjectively, so it is also your duty to look for others!

Try Hack Me

Try Hack Me platform

One of my favorites! This platform offers a learning section and a practical section. We have a streak system (answering questions for several days from affiliates) and a ranking system! Also if you do not want to install a VM or the kali OS, Try Hack Me offers you the possibility of using a machine via the site directly! I find it very suitable to start!

Root Me

Root Me platform

Root me offered direct training via areas ranging from steganography to XSS flaws. It offers job offers, CTFs, news etc!

There is also their Twitch channel which is very interesting!

Hack The Box

Hack The Box platform

I personally find it very complete, easy to use and with a very clean interface! It offers exercises by theme and platform! A grading and certification system via the academy. Just like, HTB offers a listing of jobs and companies that are recruiting!

👉 Hack The Box discord


Udemy platform

Udemy is a platform that offers both paid and free solutions. They are "teachers" who offer courses on various subjects, including cybersecurity! They usually offer a certificate of achievement and a good portfolio. I tested several that suited me on a theoretical level, but which did not remain frustrating on the practical side. At first glance, the courses seem expensive, but you just have to wait a few days to get promotions!

I recommend this training to learn the basics: Hacking Ethics: The Complete Course of Michel Kartner who is the founder of the site: Le Blog Du Hacker!



So here we are with Youtube! This is the platform most of us spend hours and hours on! Here I will not talk about training but more about a specific point. Youtube will be very useful for notions or problems but very little for a complete training! You will also find videos to learn the trades, where to start, etc...

Here, the goal is to give you a brief listing of the platforms that I find the most suitable to start learning about cybersecurity! I hope I was able to help you in your search!

🐟 Splash!

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