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Cover image for Paladin: a job application manager
Oluwatimilehin Awoniyi
Oluwatimilehin Awoniyi

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Paladin: a job application manager

Paladin helps job seekers manage their job applications and easily apply to vacancies that provide email addresses to where applications are to be made. Our team members are Ayomide ADETULE and myself. Our focus and interest were essentially in the frontend part of engineering, hence, we chose to utilise Supabase for the backend.

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The story behind Paladin mirrors the current reality of job searching, the wide array of skills that individuals possess and the need to have an interface/profile for these skills, all for the purpose of making the process of job applications easier and unified. For me, this will mean I can create an interface as a frontend engineer, brand identity designer and technical writer all under a profile and manage them accordingly!

For the frontend, we chose to use Sveltekit, a JavaScript framework. We opted for this because it is one of the closest things to writing HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript! We didn’t want to delve into the nuance and intricacies of a more technical framework like React. For the backend, we chose Supabase to handle the backend for us!

We have achieved responsiveness of the web app, setup and integration with Supabase and we have set up a PostgreSQL database with the help of Supabase. We were going to simply authenticate users via email and passwords till we got notice of magic links, hence, we are currently migrating to adopting this feature!

One of the most technical challenges I faced in this project was integrating SwiperJS to work with Sveltekit! This was not an issue of knowledge but that of conflicting documentation on the SwiperJS website. They were migrating to a version and recommended an approach to installing and using their features, but the recommended mode of installation was not compatible with the content of the documentation. The task was then to find a way to install, implement and successfully use the particular carousel feature we wanted. I went to the GitHub code of SwiperJS to understand the code and I also checked out some of the implementations of previous users on code sandboxes online but those didn’t help. In reading and studying the code on GitHub and going over the documentation, I was able to create a synergy and I crafted a way to add the feature! The result is currently the first feature in the feature section of our landing page: the carousel!

This project taught me that beyond writing codes, understanding what is needed to be done is prior, hence, finishing the problem on paper before writing code is an important aspect of engineering. Going forward, I’ll always have a blueprint of my intended solution on paper before getting to code!

Github link for the project

Link to deployed page

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