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Thank you my unVanilla Fresh HackToberFest23

This month I got involved in Hacktoberfest for the first time in my life.
And I never made any pr's but I met my pledge to learn. And to learn I did and I learnt big.

I have expanded my knowledge towards backend and reiterated my knowledge of async and await and promises. Which further emphasised to me the importance of sync an async concepts of coding in JS. As I now see it seems to be the backbone of node.js.

I have been pushed to learn a lot. I have elevated my understanding and broadened my knowledge in a space of a month with lessons about and from:
javascript, to node.js; to git, to repl, to linux terminal commands, to learning about package managers:yarn and npm. Dependencies, require(), export, import, and modules.
And discovering the importance of package.json and its purposes and functions etc....

So I have realised that for me to be able to make
open source contributions I also need to be knowledgeable of backend technologies as well.
After I have been finding myself in Github, looking at files and folders whose function and purpose I could barely comprehend.
Perhaps there is no working on GitHb stuff with just only my Vannila fresh JS skills.

Its been so awesome and the exploration continues on.
HactoberFest has made me more almost well rounded.Perhaps rather

Come hacktoberFest24 next year I will be a ready and enlightened orb. I will have a lot of pr's under my belt.

Thanks Hacktoberfest for helping accelarate my learning progress, by giving me a learning goal and target.Thanks to and all the other sponsors.

Yoll been awesome!!!

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