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Cover image for mongoose error Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'MongoError' of module exports inside circular dependency (Solution)
Osman Forhad
Osman Forhad

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mongoose error Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'MongoError' of module exports inside circular dependency (Solution)

currently, I am working with node js and MongoDB I have been set up everything properly but when I was trying to run the server using npm start via terminal it shows me the warning which is like the below screen-shot:
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I was a little confused why it happens when I try to find out my node and npm version like the below screen-shot:
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and I also check my package.json file which is like the below screen-shot:
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and now finally I realize why this is happening:
Note: This is caused by a deprecation in the current version. Install the previous 5.11.15 version like this
so to solve this warning I installed again mongooses which exect like my package. jon file: to install mongoose again as like the package.json file versions I was type the below command on my terminal:
npm i mongoose@5.11.15
and then again I type npm start on my terminal now everything is okay. which is below screen-shot:
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there is no warning.
Note: here 5.11.15 is my current version which is my package.json file showing me.
so in the future, if package.json show me the mongoose version is npm i mongoose@5.11.16 or any other then I should install like exact same version npm i mongoose@5.11.16
that's it.
Happy Coding.
osman forhad
Mobile & Web Application Developerđź’»

Top comments (2)

takudzwamz profile image
Takudzwa Mupanesure • Edited

I did as you did here, the warning is gone but still, the server is not running with error Cannot Get, any help with that?

osmanforhad profile image
Osman Forhad

Could you post me any screen shot of that error