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Hameed Osilaja
Hameed Osilaja

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Sending Automated Emails With Gmail Using Python.


In today's digital age, automated emails have become an essential part of many business and personal communication workflows. Whether it's sending notifications, updates, or personalized messages, automating the email-sending process can save a whole lot of time and effort. In this article, we will explore how to send automated emails with Gmail using Python.


  • A Gmail account.
  • Python Installation.

Python provides powerful libraries and modules that make it relatively easy to automate email sending. We will be using the smtplib and email module. smtplib is a built-in library in Python, along with the Gmail SMTP server to send emails. Python's email module is a powerful library that provides functionalities to create, manipulate, and send email messages. It allows you to construct email messages with various components such as headers, subject, body, attachments and more.


Setting Up Gmail.

Before we dive into the coding part, there are a few prerequisites and setup steps you need to follow to enable automated email sending through Gmail.

  • Enable 2-Step Verification (just a security measure).
  • Generate an App Password.

Enable 2-Step Verification.

To ensure your Google account is safe, you need to enable 2-Step Verification. Go to your Google Account settings, navigate to the Security section, enable the "2-Step Verification" option.

Generate an App Password.

This part is the most important. To enhance security, Google requires an app-specific password for programs like Python to access your Gmail account. To generate an app password;

Go to your Google Account settings and navigate to the Security section, select “2-Step Verification” and scroll to the bottom, then select “App Passwords”.
Navigate to Security section in Google account settings

Select “Other (custom name)” and give it any name of your choice, then click “Generate”.
Generate app password

Yay!!!, you’ve successfully generated your app password. Be sure to copy the generated password and save it somewhere safe because once you close the interface, you won’t be able to see the password anymore.
Copy and save the generated password

Now that we have the necessary setup in place, let's proceed to the coding part.

Writing the Python Code.

To send automated emails using Python, you need to import the smtplib and email module, and configure it with your Gmail account credentials and the SMTP server settings.

from email.message import EmailMessage
import ssl, smtplib

def automated_email():

    email_sender = ''
    email_password = 'your-generated-password-here'
    email_reciever = 'reciever-email-here'

    subject = 'Your Email Subject'
    body = """
        This will contain the contents of your email.   
        This will contain the contents of your email.   
        This will contain the contents of your email.   

    # Create an instance of EmailMessage
    em = EmailMessage()
    em['From'] = email_sender
    em['To'] = email_reciever
    em['Subject'] = subject

    # Create a secure SSL context
    context = ssl.create_default_context()

    # Connect to the SMTP server and send the email
    with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465, context=context) as smtp:
        # Login to the email sender's account
        smtp.login(email_sender, email_password)
        # Send the email
        smtp.sendmail(email_sender, email_reciever, em.as_string())

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The email sender's address, password, and the recipient's email address are set in the email_sender, email_password, and email_reciever variables, respectively.

Note: Make sure to replace the placeholder values with your valid Gmail account information, including the email sender's address, password, and recipient's email address. Keep your email credentials secure and consider using environment variables to store sensitive information.

If you would like to format the email content with HTML tags, this is an updated version.

from email.message import EmailMessage
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import ssl, smtplib

def send_mail():

    email_sender = ''
    email_password = 'your-generated-password-here'
    email_reciever = 'reciever-email-here'

    subject = 'Your Email Subject.'

        content = """
                           <p>This email is html formatted.</p>

    # Create an instance of MIMEMultipart for composing the email
    em = MIMEMultipart()
    em['From'] = email_sender
    em['To'] = email_reciever
    em['Subject'] = subject

    # Attach the content as HTML to the email
    em.attach(MIMEText(content, "html"))

    # Create a secure SSL context
    context = ssl.create_default_context()

    # Connect to the SMTP server and send the email
    with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465, context=context) as smtp:
        # Login to the email sender's account
        smtp.login(email_sender, email_password)
        # Send the email
        smtp.sendmail(email_sender, email_reciever, em.as_string())

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Here, an instance of MIMEMultipart is created to compose the email. The email's sender, recipient, and subject are set using the corresponding headers in the MIMEMultipart object. The content of the email, passed as the content argument, is attached to the email as HTML using MIMEText.

The above codes provide a basic example of sending automated emails with Gmail using Python. However, you can enhance and customize the functionality based on your requirements. Here are a few ideas:

  • Adding Attachments: You can use the email module in Python to create more complex email messages with attachments. This allows you to send files along with your automated emails.
  • Email Templates: Instead of composing the email content within the code, you can utilize email templates to separate the content from the code. Libraries like Jinja2 can help you create and render email templates with dynamic data.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to handle exceptions and provide informative messages in case of any issues during the email sending process.
  • Scheduled Emails: Use Python's datetime module and scheduling libraries like schedule or APScheduler to send automated emails at specific times or intervals.


Automating email sending using Python and Gmail can greatly streamline your communication processes. Whether it's sending notifications, updates, or personalized messages, the smtplib module in Python makes it easy to connect to the Gmail SMTP server and send automated emails. Remember to ensure the security of your Gmail account by enabling less secure app access and generating an app password. With the power of Python and Gmail, you can save time and effort while effectively reaching your recipients.

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