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Orhun Γ–zer
Orhun Γ–zer

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Three.js text scenes on Google Maps are so-good-it-hurts πŸ™πŸ” πŸ˜Ž

I genuinely love 3D text tracking titles in movies like the example below. We are going to put the name of the city near a historic location in a similar way for this example. Only on a map.

Text tracking

Let me show you how I did something similar on google maps. Source code at the end πŸ‘‡

3d Text on the map

First you need to install dependencies

yarn add @googlemaps/js-api-loader @googlemaps/three three

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Import the libraries

import { ThreeJSOverlayView, latLngToVector3 } from '@googlemaps/three';

import { Loader } from '@googlemaps/js-api-loader';
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Before loading data make sure you have vector maps enabled from google console.

google vector maps

export const LOADER_OPTIONS = {
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
  version: 'beta', // to use beta features 
  libraries: [],

const mapOptions = {
  // location of Galata Tower at Istanbul
  center: {
    lat: 41.025615,
    lng: 28.974133,
  zoom: 17,
  heading: 60,
  tilt: 50,

new Loader(LOADER_OPTIONS).load().then(() => {

... threejs stuff goes here 


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A three.js scene inside google maps is not much different than you would see in an ordinary Three.js scene. Therefor you have light and objects.

  // installing map here
  const map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), mapOptions);

  // creating new scene
  const scene = new THREE.Scene();

  const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 0.75);

  const directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.25);

  // default light comes from above
  directionalLight.intensity = 1
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To render fonts within Three we will use FontLoader. I am using Helvetiker Regular font for this example. You can find it in the source code as well.

import { FontLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/FontLoader';

  const fontLoader = new FontLoader();

  fontLoader.load('./font.json', function (font) {

   ... font stuff here

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We are going add Geometry and Material combined as a Mesh. You can't use pixel coordinates because you are rendering on a map. latLngToVector3 is going to do the transformation for us.

    const title = 'ISTANBUL';

    const titleGeom = new TextGeometry(title, {
      font: font,
      size: 80,

    const textMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
      color: 0xff2d00,
      specular: 0xffffff,

    const titleMesh = new THREE.Mesh(titleGeom, textMaterial);
    // set position behind the tower
        lat: 41.024615,
        lng: 28.974533,



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Then we are going add the scene to the map. Here we are also enriching the experience with nice camera movement to get closer to the scene.

 // instantiate the ThreeJS Overlay with the scene and map
  const overlay = new ThreeJSOverlayView({
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Animation using requestAnimationFrame

const animate = () => {


    if (mapOptions.tilt < 67.5) {
      mapOptions.tilt += 0.5;
      mapOptions.heading += 1;
      mapOptions.zoom += 0.005;
    } else if (mapOptions.heading <= 210) {
      mapOptions.heading += 0.4;
      mapOptions.zoom += 0.007;
    } else {
      // exit animation loop

    const { tilt, heading, zoom } = mapOptions;
    map.moveCamera({ tilt, heading, zoom });


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Source code ->

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