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Handling node_modules Being push to repository in Node powered projects.

In my experience, working with mono-repo projects, I almost often end up adding node_modules to my remote repo ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.

I finally found a way of working around it, hope to share. It's gonna be brief. But should you need to grab a cup of coffee, now is a good time to do that.

Let's Get Started

A typical mono-repo project I've worked with has a following folder structure similar to this
folder structure

With each folder having it own package.json file and node_modules folder
detailed structure of mono-repo

The pitfall

A common mistake is running

git add .
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` in any of the folder other than the root directory, this add all content of the folder (and node_modules too ๐Ÿ˜•) to the git history.

Way out

I found out adding .gitignore to each folder (api, client in this case) with the following content

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in the root folder will make sure node_modules is not added to the remote repository even if you run

git add .
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in any of the folders having node_modules

fixing the error

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