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Krishnanshu Rathore
Krishnanshu Rathore

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Master the Web Scraping Game: Conquer Data with Python, Beautiful Soup & Requests!

Well, well, well, who's ready to become a web scraping master! Embrace the power of Python, Beautiful Soup, and Requests as we conquer the fascinating world of data extraction together. Let's dive right in and claim your spot in the web scraping hall of fame!

In this tutorial, we'll delve into the amazing world of Python to help you dominate the web scraping arena.


  1. A burning desire to become a web scraping virtuoso
  2. Basic knowledge of Python
  3. Python 3.x installed on your faithful computer
  4. A code editor that sparks joy, such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text.

Step 1: Summon Beautiful Soup and Requests to Your Arsenal

Before embarking on our epic quest, let's enlist the help of Beautiful Soup and requests libraries. Open your terminal or command prompt, and install them with pip, Python's trusty package manager:

pip install beautifulsoup4 requests
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Step 2: Assemble Your Web Scraping Tools

Create a new Python file (e.g., "") and import the powerful libraries we just installed:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
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Step 3: Venture into the Website's Realm

Choose a website you're eager to explore. For our adventure, we'll brave the land of "" and uncover the enthralling titles of its articles.

To fetch the HTML content, use the requests library to make an HTTP GET request:

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)

# Check if the website welcomed us with open arms (status code 200)
if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Success! We've gained entry!")
    print("Alas! Something went awry. Status code:", response.status_code)
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Step 4: Decipher the HTML Treasure Map with Beautiful Soup

We've got the HTML content! Now let's make sense of it with Beautiful Soup. Create a Beautiful Soup object to interpret the HTML treasure map:

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
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Step 5: Seek the Hidden Gems

To extract the article titles, we need to identify the HTML elements that hold them. Put on your detective hat, inspect the website's source code (right-click on the webpage and select "Inspect" or "View Page Source"), and search for the HTML tags containing the titles.

On "", the titles are nestled within 'h3' tags with the class "article-name". To find all such elements, use the find_all() method:

article_titles = soup.find_all("h3", class_="article-name")
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Step 6: Revel in Your Web Scraping Triumphs

The moment of truth has arrived! Process and display the article titles we've successfully extracted:

for i, title in enumerate(article_titles, start=1):
    print(f"{i}. {title.text.strip()}")
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Complete Code:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Success! We've gained entry!")
    print("Alas! Something went awry. Status code:", response.status_code)

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

article_titles = soup.find_all("h3", class_="article-name")

for i, title in enumerate(article_titles, start=1):
    print(f"{i}. {title.text.strip()}")
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Bravo, web scraping champion! You've now harnessed the power of Python, Beautiful Soup, and requests to conquer the world of web scraping. With your newly acquired skills, you're ready to embark on countless data extraction adventures. Just remember to respect each website's terms of service and robots.txt file to ensure you're gathering their data ethically and responsibly.

Your journey has just begun, and the web scraping hall of fame awaits! Keep exploring, and may you continue to triumph in the web scraping realm.

For more in-depth knowledge, visit the official documentation of Beautiful Soup and requests:

  1. Beautiful Soup Documentation:
  2. Requests Documentation:

Happy web scraping!

Oldest comments (4)

lizzy profile image

Great article!!

onecuriousmindset profile image
Krishnanshu Rathore

Thanks a lot, I am glad you liked it

apetryla profile image
Aidas Petryla

Thank You for the article. Great first steps to scraping.

Going beyond first steps, I'd recommend taking a look at scrapy and selenium. :)

onecuriousmindset profile image
Krishnanshu Rathore

Hey Aidas, thanks for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the article, and I appreciate your recommendation. I'll definitely be posting more detailed and informative articles soon regarding selenium and scrapy.