It's been 10 years since I started my first job in the software industry. Here are 20 principles that I have learned and try to follow in my day-to...
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That's a great list of great advice. Nicely written :)
Now, i probably need to go back and force myself to catch up on half of those, haha.
Perfect list, but the tops would be:
I started doing this far too late in my career - now I save so much time.
Software installation - think you will remember how you installed all those tools you need in order to work? Ha! You won't. And that software will often get trashed in ways you hadn't foreseen.
Sql - keep notes of all the sql queries you do for your colleagues/clients that aren't saved in code somewhere
Solutions to obscure error messages that had you searching the net for days before solving the problem, because one of them will come back again soon - like the killer in the horror movie you thought you'd taken out who suddenly reappears at the end BLAM! just as you were relaxing.
Any many, many more reasons - I must have a thousand or more of useful notes
Good job. (l'm applying point n°19😀)
my favorite in this read is "write Notes "
Something that I am creating a habit for and understanding that I am human , I cannot always remember everything .
Good Job @ondrejsevcik on this beautiful piece
"6. Prefer functional programming"
It has to be clear here : do you mean functional vs OOP ? If so, then this is debatable. How can this apply using Java or C# ?
If you mean such things like Design Patterns proposed by GoF, then it maybe right, although some people may disagree.
Looking at the features added to the newest versions of Java, I'd say functional programming is totally possible. Functional and OOP are not mutually exclusive.
Lambda expression ? Yes, it is a good addition to the language. C# has it too.
If I would have written the list and was asked this, I probably would have changed it to "Prefer function programming techniques" or "Prefer techniques that feel natural when using a functional programming language". Things like:
Also perceiving typical OOP techniques like classes to a functional lens can help, for example: Realizing classes are a group of partially applied functions. This can help identify functions that should not be grouped together.
I think he means procedural.
Functional is a terrible name for the alternative
Couldn't agree more. Thanks for the great list
Nice list, but I completely disagree with #6. I would never prefer functional programming over OOP if the language I'm working with supports OOP. I don't find any difficulty in reading, or following, OOP code and I love working on OOP projects.
I especially like these ones!
It reminds me of the Charlie Munger quote,
which was reinterpreted by Naval Ravikant as,
Thank you @ondrejsevcik, number 10 is really important to note and that's a practice I've learnt to enforce. If I see any code maybe on twitter that I need to take note of, I get my twitter note and put it on it.
Agree about the note-taking: in any meeting with those who supervise, I am jotting down (key)words almost like a stenographer where the thoughts/words coming out are not making sense to listeners but will end up being useful at some point, either as part of a to-do or reminder, or a question in follow-up, but definitely a task. Of course most notes in a session will make sense beyond mere jotting down whatever is uttered.
Love the
Criticize in private, praise in public
. Is it specific to you or more towards the others?I really agree with this list. Especially number 7 (Delete code).
helpful article i like this list of advice,
but what do you mean with point number 4?
If you don't have automated test for the software, you have to test it manually - like really running the software and checking if it does what it's supposed to do.
Thank you so much
Thank you, Ondrej for sharing these valuable insights
Great and insightful post, something else that could be on the list is : If you’re stuck ask questions don’t wait to be asked.
Very nice list!
Great advice
Great article
Thanks a lot for sharing them.
I'll take this like mine.
Blessings from Venezuela.
(Sorry my spanglish)
Great advices! 😁
I agree and I have been doing this since 1980.
I praise you. 👍
That's pure reality :)
I'm focusing on 12°, it's very important and thanks for sharing these nice principles!
I'm a very beginniner)
And that ‘s really useful )
Very good advice. Thanks for sharing
Great Summary 👍 Can't agree more, especially on point 4 -- always write test.
Thanks for these valuable principles
Thanks is helpful