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A cry for help😢

So this year is heading to an end, I'm a total newbie to programming and I'm trying to wrap my head around Javascript from the ground up

Top comments (3)

devdrake0 profile image

Firstly, well done for getting as far as you have. Starting is the hardest part when learning something new.

Secondly, I run CodeTips that has a load of beginner-friendly articles that are language agnostic (see the Beginner section). Once you're done reading those, there is a JavaScript specific section.

Maybe that will help?

elkurusu profile image
El Kurusu • Edited

I'd definitely recommend you to read the articles over at the Mozilla MDN website. They teach just about everything you need to know about all the frontend languages that make up websites, such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Simply put, JavaScript is just a language standard that web browsers use to add interactive features to websites. There are different JavaScript standards but the most common and most widely used is called ECMAScript6 or simply ES6.

omoyabraham profile image

Thank you... Bookmarking that