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Intro to SolidJS: How to Create Fast, Reactive Web Apps


SolidJS is a lightweight JavaScript library for building web applications with a focus on performance and ease of use. It was designed to provide a smooth and seamless developer experience, with a simple and intuitive API that makes it easy to get started building web apps right away. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started with web development, SolidJS is an excellent choice for building fast, scalable, and reliable web applications. In this post, we'll be exploring the various features and capabilities of SolidJS in this powerful framework.

So let's start

SolidJS is a declarative JavaScript framework for building fast UI with maximum control over reactivity. It was created by Ryan Carniato in 2018 and is loved by developers because it's both pragmatic and extremely performant. On the surface it shares many similarities with react, components are JavaScript functions that return JSX for the UI, however unlike react there's no virtual dom, it uses a compiler more like Svelte that converts your code into vanilla JavaScript to brings you as close to the DOM as possible.

React vs SolidJS

But what it's more important here it's that it's truly reactive, a function component is only called once which means you can do unheard things, for example you can set intervals predictably at the top level, and data that changes or state is managed with the create signal primitive which returns a getter and setter, the framework will observe this data and surgically update its exact location in the DOM when it changes, instead of re-rendering the entire component, again it's truly reactive.

SolidJS Observe Changes

To get started just run the command:
npx degit solidjs/templates/js my-app

Uses Vite as the build tool and should look very familiar if you've ever used react.
React VS Solid

You can define a component as a plain JavaScript function, when defining the UI with JSX you get a real DOM element instead of some weird framework abstraction.

To add a reactive state to a component you can use the createSignal function that provides a getter and setter, also notice how the getter is a function, this allows the framework to observe the current value reactively.

Using createSignal

We can easily create a derived state by simply defining another function based on the original signal.

It also provides a function to memonize the return value or expensive computations, in some cases you may want to run code when your data changes, for that createEffect allows you to run side effects on any signals referenced in the body of the function, it will automatically be subscribed to re-run the side effect whenever the value changes.

Also provides onMount and onCleanup functions that tap into the beginning and end of the component lifecycle.

Full component using SolidJS

The framework also goes out of it's way to make JSX more developer friendly here, we have some example with this special components:

  • Show component to handle conditional logic

Conditional Rendering

  • For component to simplify loops over a collection of items

For component

  • Directives it supports custom directives with a use keyword which is a highly efficient way to attach custom behaviors to different elements.

Using directives

Thank you for joining me, and I hope you enjoy reading about SolidJS as much as I enjoyed working with it!


Top comments (5)

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

Thank you for that introduction.

There's a lot more to Solid.js: stores, resources and <Suspense>, <ErrorBoundary>, <Switch>/<Match>, <Portal> and <Dynamic> are already included.

Solid.js also has a thriving ecosystem with UI component libraries like SUID and HopeUI and libraries/primitives like felte, solid-dnd and solid-primitives.

Lastly, the community around Solid.js is one of the friendliest and welcoming I had ever the luck to find, so be sure to join the discord.

omher profile image

👍🏼 Thanks for reading

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Ok, completely uninformed comment here from a backend developer, to make matters worse. 😄

I did not read a single paragraph. I only looked at the code samples. Save for the <Show> and use: things, it looks exactly like ReactJS, which I have done some of.

I don't pretend with this to criticize SolidJS, but instead I would like to ask for help in the form of a URL or similar that explains in a relatively short time why or how this is different to ReactJS. I mean, there must be some fundamental difference, right?

timotius profile image
Timotius Sitorus
hariseshathri profile image
hariseshathri v This might also helps.