This article walks through creating and deploying a custom Helm chart to deploy Jenkins on Kubernetes. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, which helps automate the deployment of applications by packaging them into charts. Helm simplifies application deployment by managing Kubernetes resources as a single unit.
The deployment involves creating a Helm chart, defining the necessary configurations, deploying Jenkins, and accessing the Jenkins console through the web browser.
Why Helm?
Helm streamlines Kubernetes application deployments by:
Packaging Kubernetes resources: Helm charts contain all the manifests required to deploy an application, allowing easier management and updates.
Version control: Helm maintains release versions, making it easy to upgrade or rollback applications.
Customisation: Helm charts allow parameterisation, so you can use the same chart to deploy different instances of the same application by tweaking configuration values.
Repeatability: Helm makes it easy to deploy applications consistently across multiple environments.
Step 1: Creating a Helm Chart
To begin, we will create a Helm chart called myhelmchart
that will deploy Jenkins.
helm create myhelmchart
This command generates a directory structure with the basic files and templates needed for a Kubernetes deployment. Let’s break down the structure of the generated chart:
Helm Chart Directory Structure
Chart.yaml: Defines the metadata of the Helm chart, such as the chart name, version, and appVersion (version of the deployed application).
values.yaml: Default values that the chart uses, such as image name, ports, and service type. These values can be overridden during installation.
templates/: Contains the Kubernetes manifests (YAML files) for deployments, services, and other Kubernetes resources.
NOTES.txt: Provides instructions after a chart is installed.
Step 2: Update Chart.yaml
Next, update Chart.yaml to specify the Jenkins version we want to deploy:
cd myhelmchart
vim Chart.yaml
Modify the appVersion
field to reflect the Jenkins version:
appVersion: "2.249.2"
Step 3: Clean Up Unnecessary Files
We will delete unnecessary files and directories to simplify our Helm chart:
rm -rf templates/*.yaml templates/tests
Step 4: Create Deployment and Service Manifests
In the templates/
directory, create two files: one for the Jenkins deployment and one for the service.
1. Create Jenkins Deployment Manifest
cd templates
touch jenkins-deployment.yaml
vim jenkins-deployment.yaml
Add the following code to jenkins-deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: {{ template "myhelmchart.fullname" . }}
app: jenkins
replicas: 1
app: jenkins
app: jenkins
- name: jenkins
image: {{ printf "%s:%s" .Values.image.repository .Values.image.tag | quote }}
value: {{ default "test" .Values.jenkinsUsername | quote }}
{{- if .Values.jenkinsPassword }}
value: {{.Values.jenkinsPassword }}
{{- else }}
value: testPassword
{{- end }}
{{- range .Values.containerPorts }}
- name: {{ .name }}
containerPort: {{ .port }}
{{- end }}
This manifest defines a Deployment with the following key elements:
metadata: Specifies the name and labels for the deployment.
spec.replicas: Ensures there is only one replica (Jenkins instance) running.
spec.template: Describes the pod template with metadata and containers. It sets environment variables
from the chart’svalues.yaml
file, with default values if not provided.containers: Defines the Jenkins container, using the image specified in
, and exposes ports from the same file.
2. Create Jenkins Service Manifest
touch jenkins-service.yaml
vim jenkins-service.yaml
Add the following content to jenkins-service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: {{ template "myhelmchart.fullname" . }}
type: {{ .Values.service.type }}
- name: http
port: 8080
targetPort: http
nodePort: {{ .Values.service.nodePort }}
app: jenkins
This manifest defines a Service to expose the Jenkins pod:
spec.type: Sets the service type to
, which exposes the application on a specific port of the node (EC2 instance).ports: Maps port
of the Jenkins pod to aNodePort
specified invalues.yaml
.selector: Ensures the service targets pods labeled with
app: jenkins
Step 5: Update NOTES.txt
The NOTES.txt file provides information after a successful Helm installation. Let’s update it:
echo “This is my first chart” > NOTES.txt
Step 6: Update values.yaml
The values.yaml
file stores default values used by the templates. Update it with the following configuration:
repository: bitnami/jenkins
tag: latest
jenkinsUsername: ""
jenkinsPassword: ""
- name: http
port: 8080
type: NodePort
nodePort: 30080
This configuration:
image.repository: Uses the official Bitnami Jenkins image.
jenkinsUsername and jenkinsPassword: Default values can be passed during installation.
service: Sets the service type to
, exposing Jenkins on port30080
Step 7: Run the Helm Template Command
Before installing the chart, verify the templates using the helm template
command, which renders the Kubernetes manifests without applying them:
helm template myhelmchart . -s templates/jenkins-deployment.yaml
Step 8: Install the Helm Chart
Now install the Helm chart using the helm install command:
helm install myhelmchart ./myhelmchart
This deploys Jenkins to your Kubernetes cluster.
Step 9: Get Public IP of the Node and Access Jenkins
To access Jenkins via the web browser, we need the public IP of the node (EC2 instance) hosting the Jenkins pod.
- Get the public IP of the node:
kubectl get nodes -o wide
Look for the external/public IP address of the node that the Jenkins pod is running on.
- Access Jenkins in the browser:
Open your web browser and navigate to:
Step 10: Access Jenkins Console
When you access Jenkins in the browser, it will prompt you for a username and password. Use the credentials set in your Helm chart:
Username: The value of jenkinsUsername (or test if not set).
Password: The value of jenkinsPassword (or testPassword if not set).
Once you log in, you’ll have access to the Jenkins dashboard.
In this article, we created a Helm chart to deploy Jenkins on Kubernetes, customised the chart with a deployment and service manifest, and accessed Jenkins via a browser. Helm makes managing Kubernetes applications more efficient by providing easy-to-use templates and a simple installation process.
☕️ If this article helped you avoid a tech meltdown or gave you a lightbulb moment, feel free to buy me a coffee! It keeps my code clean, my deployments smooth, and my spirit caffeinated. Help fuel the magic here!.
Happy deploying!
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