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Cover image for Glam Up My Markup: Beaches - with new shiny CSS features
Oleksandr Korneiko
Oleksandr Korneiko

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Glam Up My Markup: Beaches - with new shiny CSS features

This is a submission for [Frontend Challenge v24.04.17]((, Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

What I Built

Take me to the beach with CSS/JS/HTML.
As the markup challenge prompt stated - no markup was changed except for adding a link to CSS and a script tag in the head. With styles, animations, and some JS for adding images and a dialog window - the page becomes more fun and interactive.


GitHub logo samvimes01 / markup-css-js

For the challenge

Simple static page

Made for a challenge

I have used CSS and JavaScript to make the starter HTML markup beautiful, interactive, and useful The template does not include photos, so to make it visually appealing, a simple JavaScript with css var trick was used.


Github pages

Tech used

ImageMagick and the necessary codecs for…


I used some interesting stuff here. AI for image generation, converted images to new AVIF format, used many HTML/CSS features that were added/adopted recently (dialog, CSS vars, etc.). And I've never used animations so extensively as here (even though it's only a few transforms and keyframes)

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