Hello, everyone! As a developer, whether a novice, intermediate, or senior, we all struggle to grasp or address CSS-related issues at some time during development.
Well, I suppose that's typical, however, I did some research into how we may learn or resolve CSS-related issues.
In this post, I'll reveal to you some fantastic CSS repositories where we can find CSS principles, resources, and courses, among other things.
1. Awesome CSS Learning
A fantastic collection of the top CSS learning resources.
This list focuses on CSS, both as a language and as a set of modules. It's not about naming conventions, architecture paradigms, frameworks, pre-processors, post-processors, CSS-in-JS, or any other component of the CSS ecosystem today.
A tiny list limited to the best CSS Learning Resources
An awesome list limited to the best CSS learning resources
This list is mainly about CSS – the language and the modules. Not about naming conventions, architecture paradigms, frameworks, pre-processors, post-processors, CSS-in-JS or other aspects of todays CSS ecosystem.
Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing.
- CSS References
- CSS in a nutshell
- Fundamental concepts
- CSS units
- Selectors
- Custom properties (aka CSS variables)
- Layout
- Animation
- Related
CSS References
- codrops - An extensive CSS reference offering way more content than MDN.
- Can I use - Interactive browser support tables for CSS (and HTML5).
CSS in a nutshell
- Introduction to CSS - This screencast series will teach you the basics of CSS in about one hour.
Fundamental concepts
- The cascade - This article explains what the cascade is and how this affects you.
- Specificity and inheritance - Understanding specificity and inheritance is important to master CSS. This article…
2. Learn CSS Today
A place where you may find excellent collections of CSS projects to learn from.
3. CSS Topics
Trending CSS-related topics.
4. CSS Secret
You'll find some solutions to common CSS issues in this repository.
Starting at the beginning
- You can fork this repo using this if you wish to use it as a memo.
Each section is kept in its own folder.
- There are subfolders in each folder.
- There are README files in each subfolder that describe the problem we're trying to solve.
Trainning with some CSS3 Tricks, with the help of the Lea Verou book "CSS SECRETS"
In this Repository you will find some solutions to commom CSS problems
Getting started
If you want have this repo like a memo you can fork this repo by using this
git clone git@github.com:luctst/CSS-Secrets.git
How this repo works
Here how this Repository works :
- Each section is in folder.
- In each folders there are subfolders.
- In each subfolders there are README file who present the problem we trying to solve.
PLease read our CONTRIBUTING.MD for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Tostée Lucas - Check his website
This project is licensed under the MIT Licence - see the LICENSE.md file for details
5. CSS Framework
A curated list of awesome CSS frameworks.
List of awesome CSS frameworks in 2024
List of awesome CSS frameworks.
Feel free to contribute.
Supported by FrontAid CMS:
- Base / Reset / Normalize
- Class-less
- Very Lightweight
- General Purpose
- Material Design
- Utility-based
- Specialized
- Toolkits
- Stalled Development
Base / Reset / Normalize
modern-normalize - Normalize browsers' default style.
Repo | #CSS
Natural Selection - Collection of best-practice CSS selectors.
| #CSS
Frameworks that use semantic HTML and do not rely on classes.
MVP.css - Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements.
Docs, Repo | #CSS
sakura - Minimal classless CSS framework/theme.
Demo, Repo | #SCSS
Simple.css - Lightweight, classless CSS framework.
Demo, Docs, Repo | #CSS
Tacit - CSS framework for dummies, without classes.
Repo | #SCSS
Very Lightweight
Frameworks that are smaller than ~5KB.
Pure - Set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web…
I hope you find these Resources Useful.
Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter
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