DEV Community

Olalani Oluwaseun
Olalani Oluwaseun

Posted on

Check out my developer Portfolio
Hey devs, I want you to check out my developer portfolio which I created during the lockdown and live it on GitHub and drop your comments about it. Your feedback helps 😊. Thank you

Top comments (11)

adnanhz profile image

Good effort!

As another comment said, I prefer that you remove the background image and use a blank color.

Also, pay attention to some of the typos.
For example, you wrote: "I am a Self- taught...", here the "self" should not be capitalized and there should not be a space before "taught" - so "I am a self-taught".

Lets have a deal should be Let's make a deal.

I suggest that you write your own name instead of About Me because I couldn't know who you are until I opened the side menu (note that I'm on mobile).

Don't write "am" without the "I". While it may look fine, it's grammatically cleaner to include the personal pronoun.

You could improve a few phrases. For example:
"Currently am a co-founder of Soft Web Creator© which I create responsive websites as a freelancer for both Individual and Organization."

This phrase doesn't make a lot of sense because you're saying that you co-founded a company but also that you're working as a freelancer, so outside any company.

I also suggest that you search for a more appealing font.

Best of luck!

olalani profile image
Olalani Oluwaseun

Thank you soooo much for the great feedback. You are really a mentor and have note down your points.

hyderly profile image
Haider • Edited

Good work
Here are some suggestions:
1-Use this link instead of you should add as your repository name.
2-Your website load speed is 64 which is very low although its simple HTML website so it should be more than 90.
3-Remove the background and use a simple background color.
4-Don't use capital letters inside of a sentence.

olalani profile image
Olalani Oluwaseun

Simple and very helpful. How can I use "" maybe any tutorial video,articles or PDF for it and also will work on the background. I will check out the speed too. Great points. I will be grateful if I can get help on how to increase the web speed and improve on the career.Thank you sooo much

hyderly profile image
Haider • Edited

1- Simply put as your repository name then you get as your website link.
2- For increase page speed you can use response images if you familiar with else you decrease images size by using this tool

Thread Thread
olalani profile image
Olalani Oluwaseun

Thank you sooo much

temitopeakin profile image
Akinmegha Temitope (T'megha)


jamesoyanna profile image
James Oyanna

You can re-work on your design. You can use pure white background for all your other design to appear well. Good job

olalani profile image
Olalani Oluwaseun

Ok sir. Thanks noted 👍

tuanpm31 profile image

i think you should consider about contrast in contact section. Awesome portfolio!

olalani profile image
Olalani Oluwaseun

Noted sir 👍. Thank you