DEV Community

Discussion on: When are you happiest as a coder?

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Dennis O'Keeffe

When I am working on things that peak my interest! I come to find that the act of coding inspires more motivation and it becomes a snowball effect. This could even mean learning a new technology, pattern or library.

Generally, I love doing small projects or deep dives into new libraries/projects and having those sweet victories or lightbulb moments. They are moments to savour.

The longer the project (if I am interested), the bigger the payoff too. Similar to training for a big event and finally running the race after all that training.

These are especially true of work projects too. If I am not aligned with what the company wants to do or it doesn't align with what I want out of my future, I can be very flat in my career. Worst-case scenario, I do this "flat" work and then the company project pivots after a few weeks of toiling away. This happened a lot early into isolation and it brings a real feeling of wasted time - not ideal in these trying times!