I've just started to work with VueJS
on building prototypes of dashboard for my analytics works in the current company. VueJS
is so simple that it became my favorite tool for building js apps. In EmberJS
everyone is using mirage library to stub api calls and respond with the required bodies. In VueJS
I've decided to archive the same behavior by using vue-resource-mock
Lets push some examples there for easy understanding how to use this awesome library.
// main.js
import VueResource from 'vue-resource'
import VueResourceMock from 'vue-resource-mock'
import MockData from './mock/data.js'
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
Vue.use(VueResourceMock, MockData)
// mock/data.js
const id = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)
export default {
['GET */example'] (pathMatch, query, request) {
let body = {
collection1: [
{ id: id(), name: 'name1' },
{ id: id(), name: 'name2' },
return {
body: body,
status: 200
And finally if you have component where you are using http resource to get the data it should be the same as before, no changes required, just call http request and you will get mocked data.
.then(response => {
let { collection1 } = response.body
this.$store.commit('setCollection1', collection)
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