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AWS DynamoDB stream batch processing lambda using CDK

Simple lambda

The most common mechanism create lambda - install AWS Toolkit, which will add AWS project templates. After that, choose the lambda template with a DynamoDB trigger, and that is all you need. But what about infrastructure?

public void FunctionHandler(DynamoDBEvent dynamoEvent)
  foreach (var record in dynamoEvent.Records)
    // TODO: Add business logic processing the record.Dynamodb
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Infrastructure should live together with code because it has the same lifetime. Also, infrastructure should be easily reproducible in other environments. CDK is IaC that will solve these problems and we can write infrastructure using our lovely C# language.

public class DynamoDbLambda : Stack
  internal DynamoDbLambda(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props) 
     : base(scope, id, props)
    var dynamoDbTable = new Table(this, "testTable", new TableProps
      BillingMode = BillingMode.PAY_PER_REQUEST,
      PartitionKey = new Attribute { Name = "Pk", Type = AttributeType.STRING },
      SortKey = new Attribute { Name = "Sk", Type = AttributeType.STRING },

    var dynamoDbLambda = new Function(this, "dynamoDbLambda", new FunctionProps
      Runtime = Runtime.DOTNET_6,
      MemorySize = 256,
      Handler = "Serverless.DynamoDbLambda::Serverless.DynamoDbLambda.LambdaHandler::Handle",
      Code = Code.FromAsset("Serverless.DynamoDbLambda/", new AssetOptions
        Bundling = buildOption

    dynamoDbLambda.AddEventSource(new DynamoEventSource(dynamoDbTable, new DynamoEventSourceProps
      StartingPosition = StartingPosition.TRIM_HORIZON,
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Taking into account, that we are using DynamoDB single table design, we will receive stream for all tables, but we want to listen to only а special table...


AWS lambda source has the possibility filter Dynamo DB stream. CDK syntax is a little bit weird, but it is just JSON representations.

Filters = new[]
  FilterCriteria.Filter(new Dictionary<string, object> {
    ["dynamodb"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
      ["Keys"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
        ["Pk"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
          ["S"] = new[]{"prefix","MyTableName" }
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All good, only one thing... handle failed records.

Fails and retries

There's no easy way to handle failed records. Because we can have a lot of reasons for failures:

  • Bugs in lambda code
  • Unavailable services
  • Db structure changed We may retry and in case of failure send failed record to SQS.
var deadLetterQueue = new Queue(this, "deadLetterQueue");
  new DynamoEventSource(dynamoDbTable, new DynamoEventSourceProps
    OnFailure = new SqsDlq(deadLetterQueue),
    RetryAttempts = 5,
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So far so good, but how to work with partial batch failure?

Batch processing

Instead of returning void from the lambda handler, we can report failed items and lambda will handle partial failure. Add this option to CDK ReportBatchItemFailures = true and modify the lambda itself.

public async Task<StreamsEventResponse> Handle(DynamoDBEvent events)
  var tasks = events.Records
   .Select(new Executor().Execute)

  var failedItems = new List<BatchItemFailure>();

    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
    failedItems = tasks
      .Select((task, index) => new { task, index })
      .Where(x => !x.task.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
      .Select(x => new BatchItemFailure 
        ItemIdentifier = events.Records[x.index].EventID 

  return new StreamsEventResponse {BatchItemFailures = failedItems};
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And finally, the source code in the GitHub repository add-dynamo-db-lambda branch

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  1. S3 public buckets with available documents
  2. Lambda updates document

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