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Tyler Scott Williams
Tyler Scott Williams

Posted on • Originally published at

Generate Eleventy Blog Posts with an NPM Script

My personal website is built with Eleventy. Each blog post is a markdown file in the directory src/blog. They all have some front matter to provide post-specific data.

I have a redundant process for creating new posts. Every time I start a new blog I:

  1. Open up the folder,
  2. choose a random post,
  3. copy the post contents to my clipboard,
  4. manually create a new markdown file with the blog title,
  5. paste my clipboard into the file,
  6. scrub the front matter contents,
  7. delete the post contents,
  8. write the new blog post.

It's a simple process, nothing too technical. But by doing it manually, I run into two problems:

  1. I waste time.
  2. I make mistakes (and waste time correcting them)

Since I do this process often, it rarely changes, and it often wastes my time, it's a great candidate for automation. So I wrote a node script.

The goal

I wanted to be able to run something like npm run newpost name-of-blog-post and get a blank markdown file with the correct file name in the blog posts folder.

Writing the script

I created a directory called scripts/ in my site repository. In it, I created a file called newPost.js.

Then in package.json, I set up the script to run this file like so:

"scripts": {
    . . .
    "newpost": "node ./scripts/newPost.js"
    . . .
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Inside scripts/newPost.js, I wrote:

const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path');
const title = process.argv[2];


function newPost() {
    const filePath = generateFilePath(title);
    const content = generateContent();
    fs.writeFile(filePath, content, { flag: 'w+' }, (err) => {
        if (err) return console.log(err);
        console.log(`Created ${filePath}`);

function generateFilePath(title) {
    return path.join(__dirname, '..', 'src', 'blog', `${title}.md`);

function generateContent() {
    return "---\nlayout: post\ntitle: \ntags: ['post']\ndescription:\ndate:\n---";
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How it works

This script runs the newPost() function, which generates a new file based on the title argument provide by the command line. It writes my boilerplate front matter to that file. Then I can navigate to the blank file and get started on my new blog post.


newPost() generates a file path with the generateFilePath() function. It passes in title, which I access from the Node process module.

Then it retrieves content from the generateContent() function.

Next, it uses the Node file system module to write that content to the generated file path. If there are any errors, it logs them. Otherwise, it logs the path to the newly created file.


generateFilePath() uses the Node path module to write my relative file path, interpolating the title argument.


generateContent() returns a string with my boilerplate front matter as it stands. I didn't necessarily need to write a separate function for this. But I figured eventually I may have more complex logic for figuring out what goes in different types of posts. I wanted to make it extensible for the future.

Thanks, Eleventy!

Something I love about Eleventy is that my entire website lives snugly in the node-universe. That makes these kinds of scripts easy to write and integrate. No fancy build process here, just 20-ish lines of code and a bunch more free time.

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