DEV Community

Arthur Candido
Arthur Candido

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First things first

Here's a brief introduction about me, i'm a 36 yo Brazilian man, married to Vanessa, son of Cida and Toninho, brother of Debis Candido and human of 4 dogs πŸΆπŸΆπŸ•πŸ•.
In the professional area, I've worked with ecommerce as a retailer for over 15 years. This experience brought me to this moment that I need to start a new career and the tech field was too magnetic for me to avoid it, so in April of 2022 I "dive right in" (learned this one right now) a fullstack bootcamp course.
Hiring Coders is a challenge mode course, which starts with 10 thousand people and ends after 3 months with 6 teams of 10 devs each, and my team came first place (yay)! In the next post, I'll talk about the bootcamp experience and the next steps I'm planning to take.

Thanks for your attention.

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