DEV Community

Discussion on: Development environment for Elixir + Phoenix with Docker and Docker-compose

nycplayer profile image
Matt Van Horn

Is that wildcard substitution something I do manually w/ String.replace or interpolation, or is there something built-in to the config function that I am unaware of?
So far the only thing I got to work was:
# .env

# dev.exs
database_url = "#{System.get_env("DATABASE_URL")}#{Mix.env()}"

Thread Thread
hlappa profile image
Aleksi Holappa

That Mix.env() is one way to achieve that. Personally I would still use String.replace/3, since Elixir 1.9 introduced a new way to configure your application without Mix dependency in your config-files.

I would do it this way:


database_url = System.get_env("DATABASE_URL")

config :myapp, Myapp.Repo,
  url: String.replace(database_url, "?", "test"),
  pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox

