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Nwanochie Emmanuel
Nwanochie Emmanuel

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Build Robust Web Apps Faster: A Beginner's Guide to Next.js Boilerplate with TypeScript


Welcome, tech enthusiasts! Are you eager to dive into web development but feel overwhelmed by the initial setup and looking for the standards for setting up a robust application? This guide empowers you to create a solid foundation for your web applications using Next.js, a powerful React framework, and TypeScript, a language that enhances code quality and maintainability.

Benefits of TypeScript

In case you are wondering the benefit of typescript over JavaScript, here are some.

  • Catching Errors Early: TypeScript's static typing identifies potential issues like typos and incorrect data usage before your code even runs. This saves you debugging time and frustration later.

  • Improved Readability: Typed variables and functions make your code more self-documenting, allowing you and others to understand it more easily. This becomes critical as your project grows.

  • Increased Maintainability: TypeScript enforces consistency, preventing errors that might arise as you modify code or collaborate with others. This keeps your project more manageable long-term.

  • Refactoring with Confidence: TypeScript lets you safely refactor and restructure your code without introducing unexpected errors. You can be bolder in making changes without fear of breaking things.

Creating Your Next.js Boilerplate with TypeScript

Before you proceed with the steps below, ensure you have nodejs and npm installed on your computer. Now lets dive into it...

open your terminal and run npx create-next-app@latest "your-project-name" --typescript You will be asked some question:

  • Ok to proceed? (y) -- press y or enter.

  • Would you like to use Eslint -- select yes (Also helps to catch syntax errors).

  • Would like to use Tailwind CSS -- select yes (If you want to use tailwind as your styling library).

  • Would you like to use "src/" directory -- select yes (I recommend this to keep your folders organized so things would be cleaner as the project grows).

  • Would you like to use app router? -- select yes (If you want to use the next 14 app router feature. it's great but I would recommend selecting no and only going for the app router when you understand the basics of how next app router works in other to limit confusion as a newbie).

  • Would you like to customize the default import? -- select no. (import alias is supposed to aide cleaner import. setting it up is beyound the scope of this guide).

with that and sit back and relax while things are setup. Once every thing is ready, you can now proceed.

cd "your-project-name" and run the start command npm run dev and you are all set.

Note: Any file that returns an html element should have .tsx file extension against the usual .jsx with javascript. If the file doesnt return html element you can leave it as a .ts file. These are the best practices

Additional Tips for Newbies

Learn the Basics of React: Before diving deep into Next.js and TypeScript, having a foundational understanding of React will greatly benefit you. There are numerous beginner-friendly React tutorials available online.
Start Simple: Begin with small, manageable projects to grasp the concepts before tackling complex applications.
Embrace the Learning Process: Learning web development takes time and practice. Don't be discouraged by challenges; see them as opportunities to grow.
Utilize Online Resources: There's a wealth of documentation, tutorials, and communities online to support your learning journey. Explore the official Next.js documentation at and the TypeScript documentation at


By following these steps and embracing the strengths of TypeScript, you've laid a solid foundation for crafting robust and maintainable web applications with Next.js. Remember, consistency and practice are key! As you progress, you'll discover more advanced features of Next.js and TypeScript that can take your web development skills to the next level. Happy coding!

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