I realized that I can use the regular expression to validate the email address.
The code without AI.
def validEmailList(emailList):
After searching and asking AI.
import re
def validEmailList(emailList):
valid_emails = []
for email in emailList:
# Validate email addresses using regular expressions
if re.match(r'^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$', email):
return valid_emails
What is import re?
re is the library for using regular expressions.
^: Indicates the beginning of a line.
[^\s@]+: Indicates a space or a character other than @ repeated one or more times.
@: Indicates an @ character.
. Indicates a : . Indicates a . character. However, . has a special meaning in regular expressions, so \ is used to escape it.
$: Indicates the end of a line.
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