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Nikko Ferwelo
Nikko Ferwelo

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πŸ“ React Cheat Sheet for Developers

Hey everyone! πŸ‘‹

I’ve put together a comprehensive React Cheat Sheet to help you quickly reference important concepts, hooks, and patterns when working on your React projects. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, this guide should serve as a handy resource.

Let’s dive in!

πŸ”— Core Concepts

  • React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, primarily used for single-page applications.

πŸ“¦ Core Concepts

  • JSX: JavaScript syntax extension for UI.
  • Components: Reusable, independent UI building blocks.
  • Props: Pass data to child components.
  • State: Manages component's dynamic data.
  • Lifecycle Methods: Hooks into component's lifecycle events.
  • Hooks: Manage state and side effects in functions.
    • useState: Hook for component state management.
    • useEffect: Hook for handling side effects.
    • useContext: Shares state across components easily.
    • useReducer: Alternative to useState for complex state.
    • useRef: Accesses DOM elements or persists values.
    • useMemo: Memoizes expensive computations.
    • useCallback: Memoizes functions to prevent re-creation.

🚧 Routing and Navigation

  • React Router: Manages navigation between components.

🧩 Advanced Concepts

  • Virtual DOM: Efficiently updates UI changes.
  • React Fragment: Groups elements without extra DOM nodes.
  • Higher-Order Component: Enhances components with additional behavior.
  • Context API: Shares global data across components.
  • Prop Drilling: Passing props through many levels.
  • Controlled Components: Form elements controlled by state.
  • Uncontrolled Components: Form elements with internal state.
  • React StrictMode: Highlights potential problems in app.
  • React Developer Tools: Inspects React component hierarchy.
  • JSX Spread Attributes: Passes props using the spread operator.
  • Keys: Unique IDs for list rendering efficiency.
  • Error Boundaries: Catch and handle errors in components.
  • Code Splitting: Lazy-loads components for performance.
  • Portals: Renders elements outside root DOM hierarchy.
  • ReactDOM: Mounts React components to the DOM.

πŸ”— State Management

  • Redux: Manages global state with predictable actions.
  • Flux: Architecture for managing unidirectional data flow.

Connect with me:

Feel free to reach out or follow me for more content on web development and programming. Happy coding! πŸ’»

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