DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
nssimeonov profile image
Templar++ • Edited

Yet another functional language, this time targeting the web and pretending to be for beginners. I can hardly think of a worse combination and can only imagine how puzzled the students will look when you try to explain it to them.

Trying to teach beginners with web is basically the worst idea one can think of, because you should not only teach them the basics like what is a data, what is code, what type of data there is (numbers, strings, objects) and how you can handle them (conditions, loops, boolean operations, some string and datetime functions maybe, etc. etc.)... but you should also teach them html and css (at least a bit), you also have to explain how the browser requests the data from a server, what steps it does to get and process it, probably even scratch networking basics... and on top of that the browser runs javascript, which is another programming language...

Sorry, but I think this is a terrible idea.