Table of Contents
What Does This Guide Cover?
This guide provides a step-by-step process for setting up macOS for web development, tailored for software engineers who’ve just gotten a new laptop without any prior configurations. Whether you’re new to web development or a seasoned pro, I’ve got you covered. While this isn’t an exhaustive list of every cool hack or setting out there, my hope is to save you time and get you closer to a functional setup without unnecessary hassle.
Quick Note: This is NOT an industry-standard guide for how every developer should set up their environment—there’s no such thing. This is simply a personalized approach I’ve found helpful whenever I set up a new macOS device from scratch.
Why Should You Consider It?
Let’s face it—setting up a new macOS device is a pain for developers. Whether you’re starting a new job or upgrading your machine, transferring that perfectly tuned development setup from your old laptop can feel like a daunting task. That’s where this guide comes in.
While every developer has their own preferences and opinions about the “best” setup, I hope you’ll find a few helpful tips here to make the process smoother.
Alright, enough talking... let’s dive in!
- macOS: Big Sur or above
Step 1: Factory Reset
I am going to assume that you are perhaps in one of these 2 scenarios as you start this guide:
Let’s start with two scenarios:
- You have a new macOS device (MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, etc.)
- You have an existing macOS device and want a fresh start with a factory reset.
If you have a new device, you can skip this step and move on to Step 2.
For existing devices, while a factory reset is optional, I prefer to start fresh. It gives you a clean slate to work with, free from any old settings or clutter.
Not sure how to do it? There are plenty of tutorials online, but here’s one I recommend:
“How To Erase and Reset a Mac back to factory default” -
Step 2: iCloud Setup
Now that your laptop is all set up and you're on the home screen with the default Apple settings, let’s start by setting up your iCloud accounts.
If you’ve already logged into iCloud during the initial setup, feel free to skip this step and jump ahead to Step 3.
Sign into iCloud:
System Settings
> Sign In (top right)
iCloud Preferences:
Note: The preferences above are solely based on my own choices, which obviously might differ quite a bit from others. So, feel free to enable/disable apps using iCloud as you see fit.
Step 3: System Settings
Show hidden files in Finder
- Open “Finder” app
- Press the
(period) keys at the same time - Now, all hidden files should be shown
Show path bar in Finder
- Open “Finder”
>Show Path Bar
- Now, the full path to a file should be shown
Show File / Directory Status in Finder
- Open “Finder”
>Show Status Bar
Show all file and directory sizes
>Show View Options
>(Check) “Calculate all sizes”
Show file name extensions
>(Check) “Show all filename extensions”
Show reference to user in Finder sidebar
>(Check) <user> on the sidebar, i.e., “jsmith”
Turn on Firewall
System Settings
> Turn On Firewall
Only Allow App Store and Identified Developer Apps
System Settings
>Privacy & Security
>Allow apps downloaded from
>(Choose) "App Store and identified developers"
Disable File Sharing
System Settings
>(Uncheck) “File Sharing”
Enable tap to click
System Settings
>(Check) Tap to click
Disable auto correct spelling
System Settings
(insideInput Sources
) >(Uncheck) Disable “Correct spelling automatically”
Disable capitalize words automatically
System Settings
(insideInput Sources
) >(Uncheck) Disable “Capitalize words automatically”
Disable add period with double-space
System Settings
(insideInput Sources
) >(Uncheck) Disable “Add period with double-space”
Disable use smart quotes and dashes
System Settings
(insideInput Sources
) >(Uncheck) Disable “Use smart quotes and dashes”
Enable fast keystrokes and key repeats
System Settings
- Set “Key Repeat” to “Fast”
- Set Delay Until Repeat” to “Short”
Auto hide docks
System Settings
>Desktop & Dock
>(Check) “Automatically hide and show the Dock”
Show battery percentage
System Settings
>Control Center
>(Check) “Show Percentage”
Step 4: Directory Structure and Hierarchy
- AirDrop
- Recents
- Applications
- Desktop
- Documents
- Downloads
- <user-directory>, i.e., “jsmith”
- screenshots // all screenshots live here
- workspace
- ___space___ // all development related configuration, contents and settings live here
- projects // all development projects live here
- profile
- avatar // profile and social pictures
- wallpaper // (optional) wallpapers directory
- refs // photo id, resume, or essential quick references live here
By default, all screenshots are automatically saved on the “Desktop.” This can clutter your home screen over time, so for a cleaner and more maintainable structure for screenshots, let’s set up a “screenshots” directory
- Create a
directory on the root level (under user’s directory, i.e.,jsmith
) - Open screenshot app (Command + SHIFT + 5)
- Update “Options” by setting “Save to” to the
Ok, now the real stuff... development environment
Step 5: Set Up Development Environment
Open Command Line / Terminal
Install Xcode command line tools
- Open "Terminal" app
- Run
xcode-select --install
- NOTE: this part usually takes a while (usually 30min - 1hr)
Install Homebrew
- Open "Terminal" app
- Run
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Run
brew update; brew upgrade; brew cleanup; brew doctor
to ensure brew is up to date and healthy
Now, with Homebrew installed, let’s download a list of essential tools and applications right from the command line:
brew install node
Display directories as trees:
brew install tree
Enable/Disable bluetooth:
brew install blueutil
Edit videos from the command line:
brew install ffmpeg
Edit images from the command line:
brew install imagemagick
Warp - better Terminal
brew install --cask warp
VS Code - Code Editor:
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
Install Browser (Chrome | Brave | Firefox):
brew install --cask brave-browser
brew install --cask google-chrome
brew install --cask firefox
Install Docker (optional):
brew install --cask docker
Setup Shell
- Run
echo $SHELL
// expect “zsh” shell by default
Note: if you have a different shell, use the steps below to install zsh shell:
- Run
brew install zsh
- Then, run
chsh -s /bin/zsh
Install Oh-My-Zsh
Oh-My-Zsh is a popular framework for ZSH configuration, mainly to jazz up your command line
Run sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Add Alias:
Aliases let us add easy to remember shortcut commands that run much longer and multi-step processes in the command line
After installing Oh-My-Zsh, you should have a .zshrc
configuration file on the root level
Open .zshrc
file inside VS Code (Note: VSCode is code editor we installed via homebrew earlier)
Run code ~/.zshrc
Under “# Example aliases”, add these aliases:
- To keep brew up to date and clean -
alias brewup=”brew update; brew upgrade; brew cleanup; brew doctor”
- Shortcut to copy SSH -
alias copyssh=”pbcopy < ~/.ssh/”
- Shortcut to open .zshrc file -
alias openzshrc=”code ~/.zshrc”
- Shortcut to go to projects directory -
alias gotoprojects=”cd ~/workspace/projects”
- Shortcut to turn Bluetooth on/off:
- ON -
alias bton=”blueutil --power 1”
- OFF -
alias btoff=”blueutil --power 0”
- ON -
Add ZSH plugins:
Plugins help to add more enhancements to Oh-My-Zsh. I always go with this 2 must-haves:
- Run
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
inside the command line - Now, add the plugin name to the plugins list inside
- Run
- Run
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
- Add to plugins list in
- Run
Note: If you are interested in installing more plugins, check out awesome-zsh-plugins
- Run
brew install git
, ifgit
is NOT installed already - Run
brew upgrade git
, to install the latest version of git on system - Run
git config --global "<FIRSTNAME> <LASTNAME>"
(keep the quotes) - Run
git config --global "<EMAIL>"
(keep the quotes) - Run
git config --global color.ui auto
Setup SSH Key
SSH key enables a password-less way to talk to another computer or a server from your local machine. Check out Quick Bite: SSH Key if you want to learn a little bit about SSH keys.
Anyways, let’s set up an SSH key...
- To check for existing SSH key, run
ls ~/.ssh/id_rsa
(if you see “No such file or directory”, then continue to generate a new SSH key) - To generate a new SSH key, run
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
- To copy SSH key, run
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
Visual Studio Code
- Open VSCode (
>Visual Studio
) - Open command palette inside VSCode -
CMD + p
- Once search bar pops up, type
>shell command
, chooseInstall 'code' command in PATH
- Install VSCode extensions:
- Create a new file (
) file insideworkspace/___space___/
directory - Paste in the following list of extensions inside extensions.txt file:
- Create a new file (
bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss christian-kohler.path-intellisense dbaeumer.vscode-eslint dracula-theme.theme-dracula dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets eamodio.gitlens EditorConfig.EditorConfig esbenp.prettier-vscode formulahendry.code-runner johnpapa.vscode-cloak Mikestead.dotenv nathanchapman.JavaScriptSnippets PKief.material-icon-theme pnp.polacode ritwickdey.LiveServer sdras.night-owl streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker thedavej.night-owl-black tombonnike.vscode-status-bar-format-toggle WallabyJs.quokka-vscode wayou.vscode-todo-highlight xabikos.JavaScriptSnippets Yzhang.markdown-all-in-one sourcegraph.cody-ai prisma.prisma rangav.vscode-thunder-client
- Now, open the command line, go into the
file level, and run:
cat extensions.txt | xargs -L1 code --install-extension
... to install all these cool extensions automatically, all at once:
- npm Intellisense - Path Intellisense - ESLint - Prettier - Code formatter - Live Share - Auto Close Tag - DotENV - Live Server - Add jsdoc comments - Code Spell Checker - DotENV - Dracula Official - EditorConfig for VS Code - GitLens — Git supercharged - Markdown All in One - Material Icon Theme - Night Owl - Night Owl Black - ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets - Palacode - Prettier - Code formatter - Quokka.js - Tailwind CSS IntelliSense - TODO Highlight - Cody: AI Coding Assistant with Autocomplete & Chat - Prisma - Thunder Client
Install FiraCode Font
Download FiraCode inside
directory - Now, unzip it
- Go into the
directory - Select all font files
- Right-click and select Open
- Select "Install Font"
Download FiraCode inside
- VSCode Settings
- Open command palette - CMD + p
- Inside the search bar, type in
> open setting
and choosePreferences: Open Settings (JSON)
from the given options - Now, paste in the following rules (in JSON) in it:
{ "editor.fontSize": 18, "editor.fontLigatures": true, "editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code", "editor.wordWrap": "on", "workbench.colorTheme": "Dracula Soft", "editor.formatOnPaste": false, "editor.formatOnType": false, "editor.formatOnSave": true, "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", "workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme", "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "MesloLGS NF", "terminal.integrated.fontSize": 14, "editor.tabSize": 2, "prettier.requireConfig": true }
- (Optional) install “Settings Sync” extension to keep all of your VSCode extensions and settings in Sync on GitHub. Here is a great video showcasing that -
Node Version Manager (NVM)
NVM lets you install multiple versions of Node.js inside your local machine. This can be essential at times when you have to go back and forth between different projects using different Node versions.
Install NVM:
- Run
curl -o- | bash
- Verify installation -
command -v nvm
(output should benvm
) - Usage:
- Run
nvm install node
, to install the latest version of Node - Run
nvm install <version>
, to install a specific version, i.e.,nvm install 14.7.0
- See list of Node versions installed -
nvm ls
- To use the default node version -
nvm use node
- To set alias default version -
nvm alias default <version>
- To uninstall a node version -
nvm uninstall <version>
- Run
iTerm 2
Note: if you are already happy with Warp, no need to use iTerm 2. It's just another Terminal
app replacement
A great alternative to for command line
>Working Directory
>(Choose) “Reuse Previous Session’s Directory”
>Size (16)
3 Options:
- Oh-My-Zsh Theme (easiest to set up)
- Dracula Theme (what I use)
- Powerlevel10k Theme (coolest option)
Oh-My-Zsh Theme:
- Pick a theme from this list
- Update “ZSH_THEME” inside
file with your favorite theme - Example:
Dracula Theme:
- Open iTerm and go into
directory - Run
git clone
- Activating theme
Tab - Open the
Color Presets
drop-down in the bottom right corner - Select
from the list - Select the
file (from “workspace/space/iterm” directory) - Select "Dracula" from Color Presets
Powerlevel10k Theme:
- Open iTerm and go into
directory - Run
git clone --depth=1
- Run
echo 'source ~/workspace/___space___/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >>~/.zshrc
- Now, restart iTerm
- You should be prompted by Powerlevel10k to customize your iTerm
- Follow through each step with provided instructions to setup your own customized iTerm UI preferences
Step 6: Recommended Applications:
Raycast - a solid replacement for Spotlight search
Loop - window management for macOS
Arc - alternative browser experience
DisplayLink (optional)
Descript (optional)
Step 7: Dock
Before I leave, a few things...
- 📑 bookmark this page in case you want to refer back to it later on
- 👍 share this article with your peers or anyone who might want to set up a macOS for web development
- 💌 if I got anything wrong in this article, please leave a kind feedback
Top comments (4)
Really.. a great help! Appreciate it.
Glad you found it useful!
Awesome resource, thanks for sharing
Thank you friend. It's very detailed and helpful.