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Kuldeep Yadav
Kuldeep Yadav

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Python Extension Modules

Disclaimer: I am still exploring this space and might have
interpreted few things wrongly here, hence I would advise readers to
take it with a pinch of salt and explore themselves and don't use the
examples in production :-)

Recently in my company, I was asked to analyse a python package which
can be used to connect with kafka cluster as my team is moving away
from tech stack which involves languages i.e. Java, C# to languages
like python & node.I have some experience with python as once in my
previous company, I used flask to write an API gateway (not
completely, it was just a bad wrapper) and it was working quite well
but then due to maintenance burden of a different tech (which I only
knew at that time), we decided to ditch it completely.

At first I thought, it should be easy as their must be some package on
pypi, which can be used but there was a catch in my requirement.The
cluster I had to connect was using Kerberos authentication, which to
be honest till date I have not understand completely due to its
opaqueness in some regards and compairing it with other authN & authZ
patterns i.e. OAuth2, token etc. Still, I thought there would be some
packages available which can be leveraged, but to my surprise, I could
only find 2 packages, kafka-python & confluent-kafka. It was fine,
I just needed one to work, but here comes the challenge, both packages
required SASL feature to be enabled which internally would use GSS

This is little bit involved as GSS (Generic Security Services API)
allows application to communicate securely using kerberos and requires
native library libkrb5 to be present on client (and its dependencies).
These native dependencies are available via most package managers i.e.
brew, yum, apt etc to any linux or similar platform. In enterprises,
where Microsoft ecosystem is ubiquitous, kerberos protocol is used
heavily which provides SSO capabilities and employees only require
their system credentials to access any service over internet. Now this
post will become very long if describe the every piece of kerberos
authentication and at the time of writing this I am not fully
convinced that I undestand it.

I first gave a try to kafka-python as I found an example online
demonstrating producer example using kerberos, but when I tried, it
didn't work for me and error message were not clear enought what was
happening, so I checked the package's github issues and I found
similar issues posted and in one of the issue, the author himself
confirmed that he doesn't have much clue about the SASL implementation
as it was patched by community only and doesn't have idea around how
to debug or test it.

Finally, I decided to give up on this and turned towards
confluent-python-kafka package, which was also an official package
from the Confluent (company behind kafka now), this package had one
big issue, it was not supporting SASL out of the box. On github, it's
README file mentioned that this is a wrapper package on their existing
C/C++ library librdkafka and for SASL, simply installing it from
pypi and using in our code, won't work. We would need to install using
source distribution, which then link the SASL feature.Normally, you
would expect from any package manager to install the library and then
you can start using it, but in above case we have to do some extra


Languages like java has a concept of bytecode, so every dependency you
would include in your code would eventually have a jar file hosted on
some repository, and JVM will take care of converting and executing it
on any platform, hence abstracting away the complexity of creating
platform dependent binaries.

Javascript is also same in that regard as most modern js frameworks
are using nodejs, which provides engine to run the js on any machine
as well as abstracts away the complexity of running your js program on
any platform. Similarly python also uses interpreter Cython to compile
and execute the code on any platform. Since both node and Cython are
written in C/C++, its natural to have the API available so that you
can extend the capabilities of these languages.

Python has two types of packages pure python or wrapper packages
around native libraries written in c, c++, rust etc etc. As you might
have got the idea that pure packages are written completely in python
and you just install and use them. Wrapper packages requires more to
setup and use because of inherited complexity of the platform on which
it will run. These packages are mostly written in C/C++ and hence
require platform specific tools to compile these.

My toy example

Before we dive into how these packages are installed and setup, let's
understand the python C/C++ extension API with a small example.

Let's say you have your own module which offers a function sort, which
will take a list and will return the sorted list.

from wildsort import sort

if __name__ == "__main__":
    list = [21, 3, 48, 12, 18,45]
    list = sort(list)
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Here, I named the module wildsort and it will expose the sort
function, which will do the sorting and return a new sorted list.

Now this is very simple module with just a simple function but let's
see how I develop this using C API.

First, we need to create the sort function, so I created a
wildsort.c file and declare my function as below:

#include <Python.h>

static PyObject* wildsort_sort(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    return NULL;
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For people who have not written a single line of C, this can be
difficult to understand and I cannot help much here so I would suggest
to first write a hello world in C to relate some of things written

Now for those, who knows C, first two lines should be clear atleast
from syntax point of view, since we will be using Python's C API, we
need Python.h, which define the contract for whole API. You can
ignore the first macro for now. The function above just return NULL
pointer as of now.

After creating the function (this will be our sort function in python
code), we need to create a defination of it to register with our
module wildsort later.

//...previous code above it will remain here
static PyMethodDef WildsortMethods[] = {
    {"sort", "wildsort_sort", METH_VARARGS, "Sort a number of integers "
    + "but not in performant way"}
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In above code we are using PyMethodDef struct to create a method
definiton in our module and here we are mapping the function name
going to be in python sort with wildsort_sort declared above and
defining the parameters type for the function METH_VARARGS, meaning
it will take single argument and no keyword arguments which python

Similarly, we need to create module definition in which we will map
the method definition and then link it to the module creation.

static struct PyModuleDef WildsortModuleDef = {
    Py_ModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "wildsort", NULL, -1, WildsortMethods
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You can read about the some of the params passed above in python C API
docs. Now we will create the function, which will be called to create
and initiaze our module when python interpreter starts executing our
python code.

static PyMODINT_FUNC PyInit_wildsort(void) {
    return PyModule_create(&WildsortModuleDef);
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Here, one thing to note that the function name should always follow
naming standard PyInit_* and * should match with your module name
defined in module definition.

Now, you can write the sort implementation in function wildsort_sort
method or can delegate it to any external shared library, which will
involve some nitty gritties of converting python objects from and back
to data structures in C.

Building the package

Now, in main directory of your code, you need to add with
below code

from distutils.core import setup

setup(name = "pywildsort",
      version = "0.1.1",
      description = "Wrapper package in C to be used as python package")
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You must have some of the module installed in your python distribution
to run above script i.e. setuptools etc. Most of these modules comes
pre-installed with latest python distribution and I guess you won't
have to install explicitly.

Now, we need to run below steps to build a python package

python build
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I would suggest you do these steps by creating a virtual env (check
python docs) otherwise you may run into error using just python
because on some systems i.e. Mac OS it points to python 2.x version
and command may fail. In that case you may have to explicitly use
python3.x variant of command and please check if its on path but I
would recommend using virtual environment.

This will build the source code with available C compiler on your
machine and will produce the object file(s) and other metadata
information into build directory in root directory of your source

Now if you need to test the package, you can instead run the below,
which will install the package into your python installation directory
with your have run the file.

python install
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Note if you are using virtual env, then it will install inside the
virtual environment installation location.

You can test the package with the code mentioned in the starting or
with python REPL, keeping in mind that you installed with same python
version or virtual environment.

Back to our confluent-kafka-python package

Above was just to create the native wrapper package for python, in my
case, I wanted to understand why I would need to install using the
source distribution for confluent-kafka-python package and not just
install and use it, irrespective of if it is written using C library
or pure python.

Some python packaging history

The answer lies in to understanding how python packages are build and
uploaded to pypi and why there are multiple options to install the

In early days python offerred only one type of packaging format and
that was source distribution, I guess this was easiest choice
considering the complexity involving different platforms.

In this distribution your package's source code will be deployed as
zip file to pypi and basically when user will install it using pip,
it will be downloaded on user's machine and then bascially python install
will be executed like in our example. Package author
would run the below command to create source distribution and upload
it to pypi.

python sdist
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Since this process will be slow if there are projects which require
many packages and then their dependent packages will all be compiled
at user's machine, a binary distribution concept was introduced, in
which the author will create platform dependent binary distribution
for major platforms and deploy it on pypi. So when an user install, it
will receive the precompiled files and pip would just link it
with current python interpreter.

In python ecosystem, this binary distributon is called wheel and
this is the default mechanism for pip. So pip checks for the binary
distribution matching your machine OS and platform and if found it
would just download it and unzip and just link the pre-compiled

But when it doesn't find any matching package to your machine
requirement, it will fallback to source distribution and old ways of
compiling and linking as per your machine arch and tools available. In
case tools are not available on machine to compile and link the source
then the package installation would fail and I guess this is another
reason why binary distributon makes sense.

You may check the naming convention of wheels available on pypi and
python docs, you will understood why these are named that way.

Why confluent-kafka-python require source distribution for


Now confluent kafka python package already had a binary distribution
available for my machine but it was mentioned that to enable SASL
feature, I would need to install package using below:

pip install --no-binary confluent_kafka confluent_kafka
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The reason is that the package authors decided to disable the SASL
feature while creating binary distribution. I guess they might have
thought that not everyone will be using kerberos to authenticate with
kafka and they might have thought that generally the older languages
like c/c++, java etc. only are used in that case to connect to kafka
cluster and not python and it is required that the librdkafka (their
c/c++) lib and its dependencies should be present on the machine to
utilise this feature. Hence the source distribution was necessity so
that pip can link the librdkafka dynamic library on OS while
installing the package with SASL feature enabled and in your code you
can easily use the kerberos authentication.

If you want to learn more about how it all works, you may check the
and if you feel overwhelmed by the source code, then you can check my
above example's source
in which I created
a shared library libwildsort and used it to complete the
wildsort_sort implementation in our example above.


It was exciting for me to touch base around how extension C API works
and doing something in c/c++ after very long and I learn few things
around python and its ecosystem. Also, I found that the most famous
python libs are using C API and major chunk of the packages is written
in c, c++, rust etc etc.

I think there are some good use cases of doing this i.e. reusing
component already written in other language stack and already famous,
performance etc., but again it also makes the ecosystem complex for
user who are not much aware of these things and generally work in
python. Sometimes I have seen the error messages emitted by pip are
too cryptic to understand what has gone wrong if you don't know all

I have mixed feeling about the whole ecosystem as of now and not sure
if this is good thing but I guess this will be a trade off for easy
language syntax and ease of use for scripting....I don't know yet!

You can also read this on my blog, thanks!!


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