DEV Community

Discussion on: It is ⌚time to ditch ReactJS or Angular and use better web standards like web components😍 part 1

not_jffrydsr profile image


mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz


lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

I don't really know what to do with that comment 🤣😅

not_jffrydsr profile image
@nobody • Edited

I wrote a reply . . . then mistakenly erased it 🙄
Bold because the evergrowing garden of coding bootcamps and fast-paced web-dev schools (my dear Lambda School included) spends an inordinate amount of time creating projects and tutorials to master the hottest & latest JS frameworks with a half-life shorter than Francium. I agree completely, and it feels like we're all going our own paths with web technologies which may let beginners explore COUGH|anDjOiNtHeCLOjUREdaRKSiDE|COUGH languages and paradigms more creatively.
