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Remote Peering: Addressing the Challenges of Modern Networking

The rapid evolution of global cloud services, digital communication, and the
surge in internet users has significantly increased the demand for efficient
internet traffic exchange. With over 5.18 billion internet users worldwide as of April 2023 and a predicted monthly internet traffic of 150.7 exabytes,
largely driven by video content consumption, the need for effective peering
solutions is more critical than ever. This article delves into the concept of
remote peering, its benefits, and the challenges it addresses in modern

Understanding Peering and Remote Peering
What is Peering?
Peering is the direct exchange of internet traffic between networks at an
Internet Exchange Point (IXP). This practice enhances internet
performance by reducing reliance on third-party transit providers and
enabling faster, more reliable internet experiences for end-users through
efficient data exchange with fewer hops. Traditional peering requires a
physical Point of Presence (PoP) at the IXP, involving hardware installation,
connection fees, and management of multiple supplier relationships.

The Emergence of Remote Peering

Remote peering offers a revolutionary alternative to traditional direct
peering. It allows organizations to connect to an IXP without a physical
presence at the exchange point. Through a service provider like Epsilon,
which has pre-existing connections to peering platforms, businesses can
access IXPs remotely. This method simplifies the peering process, reduces
costs, and broadens access to multiple IXPs globally.

The Shift from Direct Peering to Remote Peering

Benefits of Remote Peering Cost Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of remote peering is cost
efficiency. Traditional direct peering entails substantial expenses, including
hardware installation, colocation fees, and ongoing maintenance costs.
Remote peering eliminates these costs, allowing businesses to access
multiple IXPs through a single interconnection port. This setup requires
only one cross-connect to the service port, significantly reducing overall
expenses. For example, consolidating direct peering services with five IXs
into Epsilon's remote peering service can achieve up to 40% savings.

Simplified Management

Managing multiple IXPs can be complex and time-consuming. Each IXP
has different Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and membership
requirements. Remote peering simplifies this process by providing a single
contract and end-to-end SLAs through the remote peering provider. This
approach streamlines vendor management, reducing administrative
burdens and enhancing operational efficiency.

Greater Reach and Flexibility

Remote peering enables businesses to connect to a broader range of
networks at different IXPs, enhancing global reach and network
performance. Providers like Epsilon connect to over 16 leading IXs
worldwide, offering access to 120+ internet exchange on-ramps and a
peering community of over 8,000 members. This extensive network allows
businesses to establish peering connections at strategic locations,
reducing latency and improving data transmission efficiency.

Enhancing Network Performance and Security

Improved Network Performance

Remote peering significantly improves network performance by facilitating
easy connections with a diverse range of networks at various IXPs. By
reducing the distance data packets must travel between peering partners,
remote peering minimizes latency and enhances overall network speed.
Additionally, network administrators gain greater control over traffic
routing, allowing them to bypass intermediate networks and congestion

Increased Security and Resiliency

The dedicated Layer 2 connectivity provided by remote peering ensures
high-speed, secure, and reliable connections between businesses and
internet exchanges. This setup enhances network resiliency by providing
alternative pathways for data transmission, reducing the risk of service
disruptions. Providers like Epsilon offer industry-leading SLAs, ensuring
that businesses receive dependable and secure peering services.

Operational Simplicity and Reduced Costs

Simplified Onboarding and Management

Remote peering offers operational simplicity by automating the process of
joining an IXP and establishing peering policies. Autonomous systems
handle the technical aspects of peering, freeing businesses from the need
to manage individual connections with numerous networks. Epsilon's
Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) platform, Infiny, further simplifies this process
by enabling self-provisioning, scaling, and monitoring of peering and
connectivity services through a user-friendly portal.

Significant Cost Savings

Remote peering provides substantial cost savings compared to direct
peering. Businesses can avoid physical interconnection fees, colocation
expenses, and hardware deployment costs. Additionally, remote peering
reduces ongoing operational costs by consolidating peering services into a
single, efficient interconnection port. For instance, consolidating direct
peering with five IXs into Epsilon's remote peering service can result in a
total cost reduction of up to 14% for cross-continental connections
between Asia and Europe.

Case Studies: Real-World Applications of Remote Peering

Scenario 1: European Consolidation

A customer consolidated its direct peering services with five IXs within
Europe into Epsilon's remote peering service using a 100G interconnection
port. This consolidation reduced the number of required physical ports and
colocation sites from five to one, resulting in significant cost savings. The
total annual cost for direct peering was $171,420, while the remote peering
solution cost $103,476, achieving a 40% reduction in expenses.

Scenario 2: Asia-Europe Integration

Another customer integrated its direct peering services with two local IXs
in Asia and three IXs in Europe into Epsilon's remote peering service. This
setup included a Data Centre Interconnect (DCI) between Asia and Europe,
utilizing a 100G interconnection port. The total cost for direct peering was
$171,420, while the remote peering solution, including the DCI, cost
$148,176, resulting in a 14% cost saving.


Remote peering is transforming the landscape of internet traffic exchange
by offering a cost-effective, efficient, and flexible alternative to traditional
direct peering. By eliminating the need for physical presence at IXPs,
remote peering enables businesses to expand their global reach, improve
network performance, enhance security, and simplify operational
management. Providers like Epsilon are at the forefront of this
transformation, offering robust infrastructure, extensive IXP connections,
and user-friendly platforms that empower businesses to optimize their
peering strategies.
As the demand for efficient internet traffic exchange continues to grow,
remote peering will play an increasingly vital role in supporting the
connectivity needs of modern organizations. By leveraging the benefits of
remote peering, businesses can unlock new opportunities for global
connectivity, ensuring that they remain competitive in the ever-evolving
digital landscape.

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