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Discussion on: Flutter Responsiveness (using adaptive concepts)

nombrekeff profile image

Good stuff, we've done a similar approach on our company, a bit more feature-rich, but quite similar in approach.

Just to knit pick, this approach would not be considered Responsive, it would be considered Adaptive, although the lines can be bit blurry.In Flutter you can work with both though!

Where responsive design relies on changing the design pattern to fit the real estate available to it, adaptive design has multiple fixed layout sizes. When the site detects the available space, it selects the layout most appropriate for the screen. So, when you open a browser on the desktop, the site chooses the best layout for that desktop screen; resizing the browser has no impact on the design.
Excerpt from:

assisfery profile image
Assis Ferreira

Thanks, now I can easily differentiate these concepts, I've updated the title heheh

nombrekeff profile image

Yeah, kinda confusing xD Took me a while to grasp