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Makanju Oluwafemi for Nomba Financial Service

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How to setup Nomba checkout on Woocommerce

WooCommerce is a free online WordPress plugin that allows developers to manage online stores by providing quick setup configurations for product display, managing orders, and processing payments via the multiple payment gateways option provided.

In this guide, we will walk through a step-by-step guide on how to add a nomba to your e-commerce website.

It’s important to know that this payment plugin is currently only available for Nigerian merchants.

Before diving deep into the "how" of this guide, I have summarized what is expected. This will give you an overview or brief into what we need to do to get this checkout page up and running quickly.

  1. Install WooCommerce, Classic Editor Plugin and Nomba Payment Gateway for WooCommerce.

  2. Get Nomba API keys

  3. Setup Nomba plugins

How to Install a WordPress Plugin

Adding a plugin in WordPress is synonymous with installing an NPM package when writing code. Ideally, plugins extend the capabilities of a project by enabling more functionalities. To add a plugin to your WordPress site, go to the WordPress admin page. Select ** Plugins ** You should be presented with a page that looks Like this.


Select the Add Plugins button, then search for the WooCommerce plugin. Click on install and activate.

To install the Nomba Checkout Plugin, repeat the same process. When you search for the Nomba plugin, you will be presented with this.


This image shows the result of a search when a developer types in Nomba.

It's possible that when you complete all of these installations and are about to test, you will be presented with an error description like the one in the image below.


This image can be found on this site, where you can learn more about why the error exists and how to fix it using the Classic Editor Plugin.

How to get Nomba API keys

When you have completed the installation of all the plugins, head over to Nomba > Create account > Dashboard, click on settings on the right pane, and select Webhooks and API Keys


A pictorial representation API keys page.

How to Setup Nomba Plugin

Next, when you have completed the installation of all plugins, ensure that you activate the plugins so they can work as expected. Click on Manage to add API keys.


This Image explains how to manage the plugin

Next, you will add your Nomba credentials to the plugins.


We use the API keys and account ID to connect with your Nomba account. Add the appropriate keys in the box. Select Test mode and Click Save Changes

Voila!, You have completed the installation and setup of your checkout plugin.

Accept payment on your Nomba Checkout Page

If you are here, it means you have followed us through from beginning to end, and I'm glad you have been able to see how to install and use the Nomba WooCommerce plugin.

Next, when you click on the checkout page, it will redirect you to the checkout page, and you can proceed to pay.

checkout page

. This image shows a checkout order.

When you click on Place Order, you will be redirected to this screen to complete your payment.
Add your card details, and you are ready to go.


You’ve successfully integrated the Nomba payment gateway into your WooCommerce store. With this setup, you can now accept payments seamlessly on your checkout page. Just ensure your store is set up correctly with the provided API keys and the Nomba plugin.

If you run into any issues, consult the Nomba developer community. You're now ready to offer your customers a smooth checkout experience!


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