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Types of api testing

Hi everyone,

API testing is an essential part of any software development process. By focusing on the API, testers can uncover problems that would otherwise be missed. API testing should be given the attention it deserves and performed at both the unit and integration levels.

Testing the application programming interface (API) to determine if it meets expectations for functionality, reliability, performance, and security is a type of API testing.

It is possible to test APIs either at the unit level, which tests individual API components or at the integration level, which tests the API along with other software system elements. API testing is often performed in conjunction with different types of testing, such as functional or load testing.

API testing is essential to ensure any software system's quality, and it should be given the attention it deserves. API testing reveals problems that other types of testing may not detect.

Unit testing in API
Unit testing is the lowest level of API testing, focusing on individual components of the API. The API developers typically write unit tests.

Integration testing in API
Integration testing is the next step up from unit testing, and it tests the API in conjunction with other parts of the system. Most integration tests are written by testers familiar with both the API and the integrated system.

Functional tests examine the overall functionality of a system. An API functional test would ensure that its methods perform as expected.

To determine how the system performs under load, load testing is performed. A load test for an API would ensure it can handle the expected load.

Security testing focuses on the security of a system. The API is tested in API security to ensure it is secure from attacks.

API testing should be part of any software development process. By focusing on the API, testers can uncover problems that might otherwise go unnoticed. It is important to give API testing the attention it deserves and perform it at the unit and integration levels.

In conclusion,
API unit testing focuses on individual components of the API. The next step is integration testing, which focuses on testing the API with other system parts. Functional testing focuses on the system's overall functionality. Load testing focuses on the security of a system.

if you're interested in exploring API security testing tools, I invite you to check out our API security GitHub ⭐

Thanks for being here with me :)

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