DEV Community

Discussion on: Flutter in 30 Seconds

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Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

Hot reloading (and it IS stateful) works just as advertised both from IDE (click the lightning bolt in toolbar) or command-line (if you run something with "flutter run" it will prompt you in the terminal to simply use "ctrl-r" for hot reloads) so from a convenience standpoint - yes!!

I am still trawling through docs and learning - but I do know there are cases where it will NOT work (see I saw this happen when I added widgets to the current app (tree). In such cases, it does prompt you to do a full restart. But changing values (e.g., for styling) or functions (e.g., for processing) within classes should be fine.

One thing I liked is that it would give me an indication of how long it took to do the hot reloading. As I work with more apps/widgets, I hope to gain an intuition for what kinds of changes are ideally suited (or not) in terms of the time taken to effect a hot reload.

For instance, I hope to take the source code for the Flutter Gallery (examples/) app and deconstruct parts of it to get a better understanding of how to design complex apps within this architecture - how is the performance/reload-ability impacted by number of widgets in tree, number of source files used etc. So much to learn..

However, I think this is an awesome feature if you are working in teams (designer+developer) and want to quickly iterate and explore ideas in real time.

I am just starting to dig into more complex examples so stay tuned and do share your insights back here when you explore this further :-)