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Nitin Patil
Nitin Patil

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ReactJS Best Perfomance Optimization Tips To Follow

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to build user interfaces. It was created by Facebook in 2013 and has been used on many large-scale projects since then.

ReactJS is an extremely powerful framework that allows developers to build user interfaces quickly and easily. While it is very easy to use, there are still some things you need to keep in mind when building apps using React.

Create Components with Reusable Code

In order to make our code more reusable, we need to separate our logic into smaller pieces called “components”. This allows us to reuse those parts of our application across multiple pages.

Use Hooks to Write Better JavaScript

A hook is a function that gets passed as an argument to another function. It's used to pass data between functions. You can use hooks to write better JavaScript by making your code more modular.

Build Responsive Web Apps Using CSS Grid Layout

CSS Grid Layout is a new layout system designed to make web pages responsive. This tutorial will show how to build a simple website with CSS Grid Layout.

Leverage Server Side Rendering to Speed Up Page Load Times

In order to speed up page load times, we need to leverage server-side rendering. Server-side rendering (SSR) is when a web application renders its HTML before sending it to the client. It's done by running JavaScript code on the server instead of on the client.

Use Redux to Manage State Across Multiple Pages

If you're looking for a simple solution to manage states across multiple pages, then use Redux. Redux is a library that helps us manage our app state. It allows us to keep track of changes made to our data and update the UI accordingly.

Minimize DOM Manipulation

One of the biggest challenges with React is managing the complexity of its virtual DOM. This means that every time you update the state of your application, React needs to rerender the entire component tree. This process can be slow and cause laggy animations.

Avoid Unnecessary State Updates

If you're using Redux, you should avoid unnecessary updates to the store. You can do this by creating an immutable data structure that's passed down through the component hierarchy. This will allow you to make changes to the data without having to rerender the whole app.

Use Pure Functions

One of the biggest performance issues with React apps is updating the state. State updates cause the entire application to rerender, which can be costly. Instead, use pure functions to update the state. A pure function does not mutate its arguments, so it won't trigger a rerender.

Leverage Suspense

If you're using Redux, there's an easy solution to avoid unnecessary rerenders. You can leverage Suspense to defer rendering until the component is ready. This allows you to render only what needs to be rendered without causing a full rerender.

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