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"Day 5: Excel Essentials Unveiled - Sharing Today's Insights on My Learning Adventure! 📊🚀 #ExcelSkills #LearningJourney"


Basic Arithmetic operators ( +, - , * , / )

In calculation Excel and Sheet uses BODMAS RULE
( B – Brackets, O – Order of powers or roots, D – Division, M – Multiplication A – Addition, and S – Subtraction) for calculation.

Addition (+):
Adds two or more numbers together.
=A1 + B1

Subtraction (-):
Subtracts one number from another.
=A1 - B1

Multiplication (*):
Multiplies two or more numbers together.
=A1 * B1

Division (/):
Divide one number by another.
=A1 / B1

These operators can be used in formulas to perform basic arithmetic calculations in Excel. Just replace A1 and B1 with the cell references or values you want to operate on. For example, to add the contents of cell A1 and B1, you would use the formula =A1 + B1.

Arithmetic operators using functions in Excel.

Addition with SUM function:
Adds up a range of numbers.
=SUM(A1:A5) + 10

Subtraction with AVERAGE function:
Calculates the average of a range of numbers and subtracts a constant.

=AVERAGE(B1:B10) - 5

Multiplication with COUNT function:
Counts the number of cells that contain numbers and multiplies the count by a constant.

=COUNT(C1:C20) * 3

Division with MAX function:
Divides the maximum value in a range by a constant.

=MAX(D1:D15) / 2

These examples illustrate how you can integrate basic arithmetic operators with various Excel functions to create more sophisticated and dynamic formulas. The specific combination will depend on the nature of your data and the calculations we need to perform.

Calculation option :-


Automatic Except for Data Tables


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