Before underestimating me hear me clearly.
This is my first post and I am a noob
What do I mean??
I am talking about the ui of your app. If you are a webdev or an app developer ( not the one with figma) and you struggle with your designs hear me out. There are a lot of design trends in the ui realm and it's a mess. Like the material or the Cupertino, etc.. and it's hard to implement. (Yes, in flutter it's quite simple but)Some functionality or widgets by our apps needs to be different and you can't find a widget or a component for that and you can't find it , so naturally you try to combine different widgets and nothing works here's what you wanna do.
1) Create your own widget/component
I mean your own. Why not just keep it simple and clean
2) Large apps are not strict followers of themes
For example take the ui of YouTube or instagram, do they follow stylish or extra flashy UI. No usability > style. Think about it
3) Don't follow the themes you see on Instagram.
There are lot of flashy themes created with UI design softwares and some of them are actually good. But yours is too. The only way you can improve is by trying
I mean that's is bye. Leave a like
Top comments (5)
True! but making those UI is quite fun and challenging. I really like to make them just for fun.😅
If you code a wonderful UI component with some kind of js framework (if you use it), it would be useful and fun.Thanks for comment btw
I do most of using Flutter
I would recommend sticking with the material theme because it has a large collection of widgets, therefore there won't be any need of new widgets, but it's an interesting challenge
I use
Material Theme
tweaking it a bit gets the work done