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Waking up early in the morning: How and Why?

Nirbhay Vashisht on August 20, 2020

Before we start, I want to state that this article is for people who are facing difficulties in waking up early the night owls who are considerin...
benibela profile image
Benito van der Zander

When I wake up before 10am, I am so tired that I do not manage to do anything allday

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

It is not the case when you form a habit to wake up early. I agree you feel fatigued in the beginning.

athomsfere profile image
Austin French

This is not always true! There are those of us of a different chronotype. Our circadian rhythms are different.

athomsfere profile image
Austin French

Same here, and I wrote a joke of a response for us!

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks

Get about 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day, it doesn't matter when during the day you sleep. Just have a regular schedule. That's the most important thing. There are not more working hours in a day when you get up early, or late. Anybody who claims otherwise is talking bullshit. The (regular) amount of sleep you need differs between people.

As a software developer one of the most important things to do before sleeping is: winding down from work. Make sure you don't have a problem in your head you want to solve, this will keep you awake. It's not caffeine that keeps you awake, it's the brain activity.

I go to bed mostly around the same time, and I wake up mostly around the same time. I don't use an alarm or anything.

sgsfak profile image
Stelios Sfakianakis

Waking up early does not make the day any longer. Working from 9.00 to 17.00 is a more healthy schedule IMHO. Waking up at 4.30 (why not at 3.30, 3.00, or 2.00 ?? :-) ) gives just a "false sense of productivity" with negative impact on social life, family time, and even health (if you don't sleep enough hours)..

ashwinsharmap profile image
Ashwin Sharma P

Waking up early is totally a different experience and it makes me feel like I have a lot of time to finish of all my tasks for the day. Although I find it difficult to wake up early daily 😅😂 I try to wake up at least once in a week.

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

That's great too Ashwin 💯

priyalhedau15 profile image
priyal Hedau

One simple but effective suggestion "never set the alarm of ur favorite song or tune❌" Set a buzzing tune.
BTW thanks for this amazing article. I used to wake up automatically during college days but the lockdown has spoiled my schedule. Again I've decided to wake up early. 😇

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

All the best for the positive change 💯💯💯

mansiu8 profile image

Reminds me of my first year 😅 (new place) and my bestie used to wake me up @4 (from a complete different state) it was one of the most productive and scoring year 😊
The article is precisely written 👌 Good job mate

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

Thanks for sharing your story.
(Also, thanks for reading and leaving a feedback :D )

rsahoney profile image
Ravi Sahni

How could you sleep at 11 and wake up at 4.30? I mean it's not sustainable in the long run.

We all should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep. If you can't do your shit in 16 hours when you're awake, you won't become Jeff Bezos by skimping on your sleep.

What matters is the focus when you're awake. You might wake up at 7 am but if you feel groggy it's not worth it.

I wrote 10 articles every single night for my client's site London Dentaly between 10 pm to 3 am and delivered the project in just a week which would have taken a month otherwise. FOCUS guys!!

psiho profile image
Mirko Vukušić

Early never worked for me. Not as a student, not later. But to focus just on last 10 years... Kid, wife, phones... everything goes silent after 23. That was always my most productive time... 23 to 02. Then sleep till 9. If I get up at 7, then those early birds find it out soon, phone rings at latest at 8, you get familly tasks, etc. Waking up at 5 is not an option. Then I would go to sleep at 22 and during the summer here, that's the most pleasant part of the day. Most of the year I'm far from lacking sun, no matter when I sleep. We have more than enough of that :)

derekjhopper profile image
Derek Hopper

Step 1 for me was have a child. My child comes included with a 7am alarm clock. For some reason, it doesn't sync to my alarm on my phone. It's always 7am or earlier.

Jokes aside, I have seen the benefits of waking up early; however, we're all different. Each of us has to find what works best. For me, that's starting the day with a fresh mind - getting my brain warmed up and easing into my work for the day.

katylava profile image
katy lavallee • Edited

Nice. I've found everything in "how to sleep early" to be true. But it also helps to remind myself that everything good about the next day comes from going to bed on time. Make that the priority above all else and everything falls into place.

curlmuhi profile image
Ekta Maurya

Amazing article😇
Going to start from today. 💁

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

Thanks for reading 💯
and All the very best

ozakaran profile image
🆖 Karan Oza

After long such light hearted article...
Good one nirbhay 👍
Just a friendly suggestion atleast you can take minimum of 7-8hrs of sleep at night it would be beneficial for your health...🤗

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

Thanks Karan❤️🙏
About the 8 hours sleep, I researched about it and I found that amount of sleep required is different for everyone(adult).

btlm profile image
btlm • Edited

I think required hours of sleep depends on your lifestyle and many other factors. As I was a student, I slept only 3-4 hours at night and it was ok. When I went to my first job (8 am-4 pm) I slept 5-6 hours.
I worked as a trainer in coding school, got lectures at 4 pm so I slept up to 10 hours per night (or per day, cause my sleep schedule was 3 am-1 pm).

Now I sleep for 8 hours while I'm back to work 8 hours a day from 9 am to 5 pm. So I found my body needed various amounts of sleep in the past depends on how intense my life was.

Also a very good article, thanks for that :)

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nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

You are absolutely correct💯
Thank you for reading and leaving a feedback :D

salthedev profile image

Enjoyed this post! This is exactly what I do, however I struggle waking up as early as I would like to. The earliest I'll get up is 5:30a.m. - 6:00a.m. . I'm working on fighting that early morning "don't-wanna-get-up" feeling, but a hot cup of green tea or coffee definitely does the trick :)

devcoder profile image

Getting up that early makes me very unproductive and unmotivated to do anything. If I sleep later then I have that free time at night...same as all the benefits you listed for waking up early. For me the perfect and most productive schedule for me is to go to sleep at 2am and wake up at 10am. I feel great

runtimeerror20 profile image
{Amogh Dixit}

Love it! I am gonna start from today itself. I hope one day I'll be back to thank you for this article 🤞😉

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

Let me know how it works out for you 💯
(Also, remember that it will be difficult in the beginning and you might even feel fatigued )

zubairmohsin33 profile image
Zubair Mohsin

Really helpful 👍

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

Thanks for reading and leaving a feedback :D

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Interesting I am curious though how do you manage to keep such a sleep schedule if there are events on at a late time? Or if you have friends that like to go out late and come home late?

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

Once you form a habit, 1-2 day cheat doesn't ruin your sleep schedule.

yusufcodes profile image

Love this - thank you

nirbhayvashisht profile image
Nirbhay Vashisht

Thanks for reading💯

entioentio profile image

I'm quite curious how is sleeping 5 hours a day healthy. Could you share some sources? Until now everyone always convinced me that 6 hours is a healthy minimum.

athomsfere profile image
Austin French
mzaini30 profile image

Yes.... Wake up in Subuh time is health for us...