DEV Community

Discussion on: “DevOps engineer” is really just a title used to hire sysadmins?

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

I thought DevOps was the word for Sysadmins taking care of Deployments etc.

pavanbelagatti profile image
Pavan Belagatti

And you missed IaC.

gtb3nw profile image

That's exactly the kind of confusion which makes it understandable that recruiters and HR are bad at labelling the role.

It's a near impossible task to get anyone to agree on the word, but the few things which I've generally seen as accepted are:

  • It's often given as a job title, when it's actually more of a set of practices
  • It's a hybrid role between developer and sysadmin
  • The developer part is more often understanding of development, best practices and building of tooling <- This is the most controversial bit, but I feel this bit or more is required to really be "devops". It has to be a bit further than "able to write bash/python", but it doesn't have to be a full blown developer. I personally find the sysadmin side is more critical for devops and just having an understanding of best practices in development to steer the development teams in the right direction is enough to cross the threshold from sysadmin or developer.
niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

I have to admit a little ignorance to this field, since in my daily job I'm hardly in touch with deployment, hosting etc., and for my personal projects, Heroku or FTP is usually fine.

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gtb3nw profile image

Hey, don't worry about it! I don't equate blissful ignorance to being willfully ignorant. If I could offer any advice to you, it would be to learn a few sysadmin skills. Before my (Cue irony) devops title I was a sysadmin working in the hosting industry and supporting customers. The developers that benefited from us most were the ones who had a few sysadmin skills but wanted support to get further with those. I'm talking understanding of permissions and system resources, webserver configuration, nothing too crazy! 99% of the time they are able to get work done quicker, with less friction and run into less issues. If they were an agency we'd also refer them to customers looking for new developers.

Being able to find logs and debug with system tools is also a bonus!