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Ninan Kara
Ninan Kara

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Flutter #1 : Bottom Navigation Bar Template


Recently I am learning about creating front end design with Flutter. The language used is Dart. Anyway I created this post because I realized that I always use this structure whenever I make a new app. The design is simple. One page with tab navigation bar.

Since I do not touch Flutter everyday, I keep forgetting how to make this kind of UI. I made this base template, so that I can only care about adding the service and other logics to the app.


Source code


Bottom Navigation Bar

Top comments (1)

kris profile image

Wow, amazing bottom navigation bar design. I love it. Looks intuitive and modern. Great use of bottom navigation property along with a floating action button at the center. Thanks a lot for this repo. There are a lot of amazing flutter templates out there that offer similar UI designs with dynamic functionalities as well. This is inspirational.