DEV Community

Nimesh Kasun
Nimesh Kasun

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FoodiePal - Android app for Food Recipes

My Final Project

This android app uses APIs to get food recipes and view within the app. The app is built for the submission of an assessment in the final year, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka.

Demo Link

[APK can be downloaded from the Repository]

Link to Code

How I built it (what's the stack? did I run into issues or discover something new along the way?)

I used the Android Studio. There were several issues with the API and data retrieving. But after doing some research on possible solutions, I could find the best optimal ways to use any API and handle data.

Additional Thoughts / Feelings / Stories

I was stuck with UI designing. Yet, I followed tutorials and learned to design attractively. That knowledge is like gold to me.

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