Pop-up window
Pop-up window is a child window inside the parent window that blocks interaction with parent window.There are also some options in a pop-up window to react with.Now a days websites use this feature a lot.This window is mainly used for collection of review of a website or for a feedback.Some websites use Pop-up box as a login window.Making a pop-up box is very easy using jQuery
jQuery is a cross platform,free,open source JavaScript library
.It is used as a client side programming language with html.jQuery is supported by most of the browsers.The main purpose of using jQuery is to obtain a dynamic website.jQuery is used for animation,DOM,events,ajax etc.
Here's the code for making a simple jQuery feedback form
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<body style="background-image: url('aa.jpg');background-image: cover;">
<!--review button-->
<input type="button" id="reviews" value="reviews" name="" style="margin-left: 35%;margin-right: 20%;margin-top: 2%;margin-bottom: 2%;height: 50px;background-color: #884FF3;text-align: center;width: 10%;border-radius: 5%;
position: fixed;">
<!--feedback button-->
<input type="button" id="feedback" value="feedback" name="" style="margin-left: 55%;margin-right: 20%;margin-top: 2%;margin-bottom: 2%;height: 50px;background-color: #884FF3;text-align: center;width: 10%;border-radius: 5%;
position: relative;">
<!--welcome message -->
<div class="pop" style="z-index: 4;margin-left: 20%;margin-right: 20%;margin-top: 10%;margin-bottom: 2%;height: 30%;background-color: #768b8e;text-align: center;border-radius: 5%"><br/><h1> WELCOME </h1><br></div>
<!--review -->
<div id="pop1" z-index="1" style="margin-left: 20%;margin-right: 20%;margin-top: 5%;margin-bottom: 2%;height: 30%; background-color: #40858e;text-align: center; position: fixed; display: none; width: 60%;border-radius: 5%"><h2> REVIEWS </h2>
<h3 >      Name : <input type="TextBox" style="opacity: 0.5;width: 25%;" id="txtNamef" name="txt" placeholder=" you can't edit this field" value="" disabled="disabled"></h3>
<h3>Feedback : <input type="TextBox" style="opacity: 0.5;width: 25%;" id="txtf" name="txt" placeholder=" you can't edit this field " value="" disabled="disabled"></h3>
<input type="button" class="close" value="close" width="1000px">
<div class="pop-feed" style="background-color: #995892:; position:fixed;display: none; ">
<div id="pop2" z-index="1"; style="margin-left: 20%;margin-right: 20%;margin-top: 5%;margin-bottom: 2%;height: 40%;background-color: #40858e;text-align: center;width: 60%;border-radius: 5%;
position: fixed;">
<h2>    FEEDBACK</h2>
<h3>       Name :     <input style="opacity: 0.5;width: 25%;" type="TextBox" id="txtName" class="txt" name="txt" placeholder="enter your name " value=""></h3>
<h3>Feedback :    <textarea style="opacity: 0.5;width: 25%;" id="txt" class="txt" name="txtFeedback" value="" placeholder="enter your opinion"></textarea> </h3>
<input type="submit" " value="FEEDBACK" disabled="disabled" style="height: 15%;background-color: #884FF3;text-align: center;width: 15%;border-radius: 5%;
<input type="button" class="close" value="CLOSE" style="height: 15%;background-color: #884FF3;text-align: center;width: 10%;border-radius: 5%;">
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="popup.js">
alert('feedback submitted successfuly');
var txtName = $('#txtName').val();
var txt = $('#txt').val();
alert(' NAME :'+txtName+' FEEDBACK :'+txt);
Explanation of jQuery
Basic syntax of jQuery :$(selector).action();
$ sign: define/access jQuery. A (selector) to find (query).
is a method used to delay some task to perform.
:click is an event handler which performs some tasks defined in function({code})
is a method used to show a particular element .It can take the 'slow'
is a method used to hide a particular element.It can take the 'slow'
is a event handler used to know about any change of an element,(it is only valid for textbox
, select
method is used to remove the attribute
from an element.
attr('value','changed value')
is used to change a specific attribute's value
to changed value
method is used to return the value of value
method gradually changes the opacity of the selected element from hidden to visible.
fadeout()is a method used to vanish some element by fading that out;it gradually changes the opacity of the selected element from visible to hidden .
is used to display an alert box with specified message
Explore the code here : Pop-up form using jQuery
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