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Rebuilt my company's website with Tailwind CSS and Next JS

Lazar Nikolov on November 10, 2020

We decided to refresh our branding and website. Previously it was built using Wordpress, and it lacked speed and a 2020 factor. I decided to redesi...
madza profile image
Madza • Edited

That #00B871 looks nice in the combination with #F7FAFC, #1A202C and #718096 🎚

nikolovlazar profile image
Lazar Nikolov


eddt profile image
Edd Twilbeck

Super-interested in this process! Site looks great and flows nicely. Any docs or guides for Strapi + Next JS that you found useful and could/would share?

nikolovlazar profile image
Lazar Nikolov

I didn't follow any examples, just went with the flow. I could create a blog post about it. I'll let you know if I do. I'm glad you like the site 🙌

hanna profile image

Very well made site! I love the colorscheme used.

nikolovlazar profile image
Lazar Nikolov


johnrock profile image
John Rock

Looks great. I really like the color scheme.

nikolovlazar profile image
Lazar Nikolov

Thanks John! I'm glad you like it!

trollboy_j profile image
Jacko • Edited

I love the color palette! It also works really smoothly on mobile. Good job! 👊

nikolovlazar profile image
Lazar Nikolov

Thanks a lot!

xantosromero profile image
Santos Romero

Buen trabajo Lazar, gracias por compartir.

nikolovlazar profile image
Lazar Nikolov

¡De nada, Santos! El gusto es mío.

midhunadarvin profile image
Midhun A Darvin

How does it compare to wordpress? If you are constantly adding new content to your website, which do you feel is easier?

nikolovlazar profile image
Lazar Nikolov

The website is statically generated, but using Next JS’s incremental static regeneration we can add content as we wish, and the pages affected will be statically regenerated on the next request. Compared to Wordpress, adding content in Strapi is pretty much the same. You have your admin panel with the models you defined and you can add data easily. If you ask me, I’d never use Wordpress if I have to develop a custom website ever again. If time is of the essence and I could use a template, then it makes sense, but I’d never be calm knowing that the website can be thousand times faster if I just use Next JS.

midhunadarvin profile image
Midhun A Darvin

Nice. I guess if the community grows, then more templates would be available for NextJS. Might be a Wordpress killer?

Thread Thread
nikolovlazar profile image
Lazar Nikolov

If they decide to partner with a headless cms provider then it could be 😀 Strapi is the Headless CMS, NextJS is the web framework, so together:
Strapi + NextJS = Fastest Wordpress

joebrain032 profile image
Joe Brian

Really cool