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Nikolay Gushchin
Nikolay Gushchin

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Beyond the Code: The Human Side of JavaScript Code Reviews

Ever had that moment when you're about to submit a pull request, and a tiny voice in your head whispers, "Is this code review-ready?" 😅 Or maybe you've been on the receiving end, scrolling through lines and lines of code, wondering how to provide feedback that's both helpful and kind. Welcome to the world of code reviews—a crucial yet often underestimated part of the development process.

The Importance of Code Reviews

Code reviews are more than a mere formality, even if you or your team treats them so, they're a gateway to better code quality, knowledge sharing, and team collaboration. In the fast-evolving landscape of JavaScript—with its ever-growing libraries and frameworks—code reviews help keep everyone on the same page. They ensure that best practices are followed, potential bugs are caught early, and the codebase remains maintainable.

Best Practices for Giving Code Reviews

  1. Be Respectful and Constructive

Approach each review with the mindset of a mentor, not a critic. Instead of saying, "This function doesn't make sense," try, "Can you explain the reasoning behind this approach? Maybe we can simplify it.". Keep in mind that you are also working on this project, and it’s in your interest to understand the changes.

  1. Focus on the Code, Not the Coder

Keep feedback objective. Comment on the code's functionality, readability, and adherence to standards without making it personal.

  1. Use Clear and Specific Language

Ambiguous comments can lead to confusion. Instead of "This part is unclear," specify what's confusing: "The variable naming here is a bit ambiguous, maybe we can use something more descriptive like userProfile?"

  1. Provide Code Examples

If you suggest a different approach, provide a snippet to illustrate your point.


"Consider using the Array.filter() method here for better efficiency:

   const activeUsers = users.filter(user => user.isActive);
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  1. Praise Good Work

Positive reinforcement goes a long way, trust me. If you see something well-implemented, let them know!

Best Practices for Receiving Code Reviews

  1. Keep an Open Mind

Feedback isn't a personal attack, it's an opportunity for growth. Even seasoned developers have room to improve.

  1. Ask for Clarification

If a comment isn't clear, don't hesitate to ask questions. This ensures you understand the feedback fully and can apply it correctly.

  1. Explain Your Thought Process

If you made certain decisions for specific reasons, share them. This can lead to productive discussions and even better solutions.

  1. Implement Feedback Promptly

Address comments in a timely manner to keep the development process moving smoothly. I have worked in teams that prioritise tickets right to left, i.e. while your ticket is in review, you should focus on it and not on tickets in progress. And it did wonders for lowering the review time for the whole team.

Tools to Enhance Code Reviews

  • Linters and Formatters

Tools like ESLint and Prettier automatically enforce code style guidelines, allowing you to focus on logic rather than formatting. And if you see an eslint ignore always ask why it is there, it's a good practice to document such cases.

  • Automated Testing

Incorporate tests using frameworks like Jest or Mocha to catch issues early and provide confidence in your code.

  • Pull Request Templates

Use templates to ensure all necessary information is included with each PR, such as the purpose of the changes and any relevant screenshots or logs. Clear PR descriptions saves a lot of time for people reviewing your code and to you as a result.

Personal Insights on Code Reviews

In my early days as a developer, I dreaded code reviews. It felt like an examination of my worth as a coder. But one experience changed that. I submitted a PR that introduced a new feature but also unintentionally created a bug. A senior developer reviewed my code and, instead of just pointing out the mistake, they took time of their work to walk me through how the bug occurred and guided me toward the solution.


Code reviews are an indispensable part of developing robust JavaScript applications. They foster collaboration, improve code quality, and accelerate personal and team growth. So next time you're on either side of a code review, embrace the process. Share your knowledge, learn from others, and don't forget to sprinkle in a bit of kindness. Happy coding! 🎉

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